Conservative Characters on TV

Over at Big Hollywood, Ben Shapiro has a list of conservative characters on Lost. I never found any of the characters there overtly conservative (or liberal for that matter — yay not inserting politics into escapism!), but there are some sympathetic conservative characters in TV today that I can think of.

Hank Hill from King of the Hill: A stubborn, overt conservative who is shown to be right in about 90% of the episodes.

Seeley Booth from Bones: War veteran and religious, he’s often the foil to the hyper-rational Bones.

John Casey from Chuck: Very overtly right-wing (even has a picture of Reagan on his desk). Also, it’s well known the actor Adam Baldwin (no relation to Alec) is conservative (I once saw him link IMAO in a forum to rebut someone, and my sister worked with him on a movie and saw him arguing against global warming to some hippie).

Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock: Yes, he’s a joke character played by a well known liberal Alec Baldwin (no relation to Adam), but you have to give huge points if you’re grading on a curve since he’s not the butt of jokes anymore than any other character — his conservatism is as often a joke as Liz Lemon’s reflexive New York liberalism. Actually, 30 Rock is an example that you can bring up politics for humor without bashing people over the heads with a certain political belief (also see early seasons of the Simpsons).

Mac Taylor from CSI: NY: Not as overtly conservative as the others, but he’s a former Marine and played by a known conservative, Gary Sinise.

Jack Bauer from 24: I feel like I have to include from how 24 sometimes gets controversy as being a right-wing show (it actually has Muslim terrorists which seem to exist solely in real life but never in fiction), but the main character has always seemed apolitical to me (which is just fine).

Also, I’d like to give bonus points to Dr. House from House. Not conservative, but he likes uncomfortable truths which makes him say conservative things at time (the same happens a bit with Bones from Bones). House is good example of it being possible to bring up controversial subject without bashing people over the head with a certain belief.

So, any other characters I missed? I’m not able to watch all the shows out there (stupid 4th dimension).

Conservatives in Hollywood

Andrew Breitbart has started a new group blog, Big Hollywood, to try and get conservatives more engaged in the entertainment industry. There are a lot of familiar names over there such as Whitler, Jonah Goldberg, and Zo, but I still think the whole idea of trying to get more conservatives engaged in Hollywood is ice skating uphill. The problem is that conservatives just aren’t inclined to seek careers in the entertainment industry because the way we’re programmed we consider a job something where you produce things that are directly useful, and thus entertainment falls under the hobby category for us. Liberals don’t consider entertainment a job either — they consider it an aspiration to be creative and better people — and liberals are less concerned with jobs and more concerned with aspirations. For conservatives, who have bills to pay and families to feed, dropping everything for a shot in Hollywood isn’t even considered. Unless making movies becomes something someone can do in their spare time, conservatives are always going to be a minority in the field of entertainment.

Also, my guess is that the conservatives who do work in Hollywood are more likely to treat what they do as an actual job, and thus they’d be less inclined to overtly insert politics into what they do and make the message more important than the product.

Anyway, I wouldn’t expect a lot of conservatives messages out of anything other than country music in the future, but it’s certainly worth celebrating the little there is. Plus, good artists reflect the truth in their work, and that always leans right.

I Though He Already Was Mainly Fiction

Apparently Spider-Man is going to meet Obama in the comics. To keep comicbook Obama congruent with real life Obama, will he be a long time friend with the Green Goblin?

What I’m Doing

Everyone seems to be talking about Twitter lately, so I thought I should get an account. If you’re interested in what I’m doing throughout the day, you can find out here.

So, do you think the FBI made all these social networking sites? Instead of them keeping tabs on us, we voluntarily keep tabs on ourselves and submit regular reports. Brilliant.