Vote Treacher in the Weblog Awards

There a few voting days left in the Weblog Awards (and you get to vote once per day per ip address), but it looks pretty decided I won’t win or even place or show, so instead I’m going to throw my support behind Iowahawk!

Wait, he wasn’t nominated? What the hell? Well, I guess I can endorse someone else… um… Treacher. Yeah, let’s vote for Treacher.

I know what you’re saying: “But Treacher is stupid and unfunny and I’m pretty sure he’s a neo-Nazi!” Exactly! And that’s why him and I have to stick together. Also, Jon Swift is ahead of either of us, and you know how much you all love that fake conservative shtick. If you need any more convincing (and you shouldn’t; you should just do as I tell you), here’s some of his best posts from last year. So got vote for Treacher (not IMAO) as the best humor web-thingee. This I command.