The End of Hate

Here’s one stupid but somewhat introspective liberal wondering who liberals can direct their two minutes of hate against once Bush is gone. Now, I think I wrote a pretty definitive article on this a couple years ago discussing the liberal Bush-centric worldview. It’s not a small thing for a worldview to change, especially one that permeates every aspect of a liberal’s life. Liberals will be blaming Bush for everything for a while still, but eventually it will get infeasible to do so the longer Bush has been out of office. Then liberals will be confronted with bad things happening and Bush not being to blame and their minds will not be able to comprehend it. They may get violent, forcing us to punch them in their dumb monkey faces out of self defense. Remember: If you have to punch a liberal, do so forcefully but also compassionately if you’re a Christian. If you’re an atheist, go ahead and whale away.

Probably a Waste of Time

If you’re belief is that there is “probably no God”, then that’s probably not something to obsess over and buy ad space on buses. If you’re sure there is no God, I can see you getting worked up over it, but if you’re uncertain about it it doesn’t seem like a subject to spend much time on. That’s like reading lots of books on cryptozoology because you’re convinced there probably isn’t a Loch Ness monster.

I agree with the religious leaders in Britain who consider the ads a net positive since it will get God discussed in a country where there isn’t much discussion about religion anymore. If you’re trying to offend people (which it sounds like Dawkins wanted to do — that guy is not a model for the cheerful atheist), they probably should have picked a more religious nation. Or make sure the buses go through the Muslim parts of town. That would be fun.

Poo-Flinging Monkey on the Loose

Thanks to numerous readers, I’ve been alerted that a feces throwing monkey is loose in Tampa Bay. Really, this is not the sort of problem a civilized nation should have to deal with. I could see this happening in Mexico, but we were supposed to have solved the monkey problem long ago. As you know, North America used to be covered in monkeys. They were a common subject of Native American art. But when the first European settler set foot on America, the first thing that happened was he was hit by a piece of poo throw by an angry monkey. The settler then said, “That’s is; let’s kill them all,” and soon thereafter North America was monkey free and American exceptionlaism began. If you look at statistics, the advancement of a country can be measured in dead monkeys.

I am not a crank!

Can’t We Just Release Them to the Wild in Cuba?

Some people are advocating that we let some of the Gitmo detainees live in the U.S.

“So neighbor, where did move from?”

“Gitmo. They gave me a Koran and a prayer mat.”

I think I know what a worried nation will be saying to that: “Will they be buying house?”

That’s Some Strong Coffee

When I start to hallucinate, I only allow myself one more cup of coffee that day.

Group Claims Credit for “Incident on the Hudson”


A rebel group of geese today claimed credit for what many had already speculated… that Canadian Geese were indeed responsible for the downing of the US Airways flight 1549that ended up in the Hudson River.  Said their leader, Goosey Gusee-eh, “We wanted to take credit for trying to down this airliner, eh. For too long, the man has pushed as aside like a bunch of useless birds, eh. We hope that today we made a statement that we will fight back with everything we have, even with Suicide Birders. We hope that by making our statement early, that we will get credit for this evil act instead of the Bush Administration or the Zionist conspiracy, eh.”

Congress immediately proposed legislation recognizing the plight of these Canadian Geese and even debated allowing them to pracice Avi-arah Law.