At Least the Cubans Are Happy

I thought this video [h/t Eros] was just some crass, right-wing smear about Obama being a communist.

Until I noticed the guy depicted on the left side of the Cuban Young Communist League flag.

Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

Next Democrat Scandal?

Blagojevich has pay-to-play.

Richardson has his bribes.

Geithner has his common, innocent, tax mistake.

Wonder what’s next…?

Waxman faced with embarrassing paternity test results. [hat tip: Laurie].

* Nancy Pelosi discovered to be Michael Jackson in drag.

* Obama Express – said to be running on “biodiesel” – was actually using whale oil. Obama claims he was merely honoring Lincoln.

* Did you know that the Secretary of State is 4th in the line of succession to the Presidency? After a maid stumbles across Hillary’s secret hand-written manifesto “Four Bullets to the Top”, EVERYONE will.

* At 2:14 a.m. August 29th, 2009, Joe Biden’s hair plugs become self-aware. Judgement Day follows.

* An increasingly unhinged Al Franken starts wearing dresses and demanding to be called “Alice”. Eventually moves in with Barney Frank.

* Roland Burris is caught running a bookie operation out of his house. Claims he would’ve quit as soon as he raised the 500 large that would keep Blagojevich from breaking his kneecaps.

* Shocking internet sex tape featuring Barbara Boxer & Wayne LaPierre. Dozens of insurance companies go bankrupt paying bills for hysterical blindness treatments.

* After Robert Byrd runs out of things in West Virginia to name after himself, begins habitually referring to the President as “Byrdbama”.

* Director’s cut of “An Inconvenient Truth” is accidentally released featuring a bonus video of Al Gore laughing maniacally, yelling “Suckers!”, and diving into a swimming pool full of money.

* Obama “absent-mindedly” scratches his face with his middle finger during unconditional negotiations with Iran. Judgement Day follows.

Anything else we should be watching for?