Fun Trivia

On land, the number one risk of mauling comes from pit bulls. What’s the number one risk of mauling at sea?
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Justice delayed

The president commuted the sentences of border guards Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compea.


I’m having a hard time understanding why they were convicted … for shooting a drug smuggler in the butt.

We need more drug smugglers shot in the butt. Maybe this will open the door for more drug smugglers being shot in the butt.

Frank Advice for Liberals in Power

Since liberals are soon going to be in charge of the country and I like this country, I thought I’d give them advice so they don’t screw things up too much.


* No matter how much he looks like he needs one, never give a murderous dictator a hug.

* If you bomb enough of a country’s infrastructure, including fossil fuel burning power plants and factories, war can actually be carbon neutral.

* If you don’t like a government policy, don’t march down a street shouting about while burning an American flag; just go ahead and change the policy.

* Protesting troops as baby-killers is considered a faux pas when you’re the commander in chief.

* As easy as 100% taxation would make things for funding your programs, most economists agree you have to let people keep at least some money.

* You may love peace, but if an enemy country actually invades the U.S., people are going to expect you to respond militarily even if you personally think that would be an overreaction.

* If the American people turn against your policies, don’t just shout, “I know better than you, you inbred, sky fairy-worshiping hillbillies!” That hardly ever helps.

* No matter how smart actors may seem, they really aren’t the best foreign policy advisers.

* It would be great to capture Osama bin Laden, but giving him a plea bargain so he’ll testify against the real terrorist, George W. Bush, probably won’t go over as well as you expect.

* Just because some more foreign countries may like us doesn’t mean they’ll actually be anymore useful.

* No matter how sure you are that conservatives are evil and just like Nazis, you can’t round them up into camps.

* Blaming Bush for problems is going to be harder the longer it’s been since he was in office; you’ll eventually have to find a new scapegoat. The Jews tend to be the popular choice.

* Though you probably want to reduce military engagements, you’ll actually have to expand war to all parts of the globe if you don’t want the military’s enemy body count to look racist.

He’s Not Literally Made of Wax, Is He?

I hear Henry Waxman is try to lead the way in Congress to stop global warming, which makes sense because it kinda looks like his face is melting.

The Awakening of a Dumb (Gay) American

Here’s a good post from Big Hollywood from an individual who became a conservative after 9/11 when before he was just reflexively being a liberal (mainly because he’s gay). It’s really a good picture on the poisoning effect of liberal intolerance.


I have since met real people who identify as Republicans and even Christians – the religion we are constantly warned (despite plenty of evidence to the contrary) is the worst, most dangerous in the world. I have been in the dreary Catholic church of my partner’s parents. And guess what. I’ve never felt more welcome, even as an openly gay man there with my partner. I have no interest in Catholicism or going to church. And I’m sure underneath, the church folk do not fully approve of how we live. Maybe some do. But newsflash: I don’t have to approve of how they live either. And none of us is killing the other. They are not the enemy.

It’s really aimed more towards liberals, but everyone should give it a read.


Today is a national holiday here in the U.S. It’s a day where we celebrate the birthday of a great American, born and raised in the south, who lived and died for what he believed…

Thank you.


Thank you. Today is my birthday.

Um, I was actually talking about Martin Luther King.

Excuse me?

Yes, sir. You. Today’s a national holiday celebrating your birthday.

My birthday was Thursday.


I was born January 15th, 1929. 80 years ago. It was a Tuesday. I don’t remember, of course, but I was told it was a Tuesday.

I was born on January 19th. In 18-aught-7.

Shouldn’t that be “naught-7″…

Son, don’t correct your elders.

Um. Sorry.

As I was saying, I was born on January 19th, some 202 years ago. So, today’s my birthday.

But today’s the day we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday.

Son, I believe you said the birthday of a man “born and raised in the south, who lived and died for he believed” … didn’t you?

Well, yes.

And today is my birthday…

He’s right, son.

Yes, sir, I understand. But it’s your birthday, Dr. King…

No, son, it’s not.

I understand, sir. But it’s the day we celebrate your birthday.

Why on earth would you celebrate my birthday on a day other than my birthday?

Well, most federal holidays are moved to a Monday.

Why? Because it’s convenient?

Well, yes, actually, when you get right down to it.

Oh. So I’m remembered when it’s convenient? I’m honored with a sale at Sears and Roebuck? People who wouldn’t know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for whom I was but a poor spokesman, call on my name but have no idea what I was really all about?

He’s asking good questions, son.

Was it convenient when my house in Montgomery was bombed during the bus boycott? Does a sale at the shopping mall remind you of the dream of which I spoke in our nation’s capital? Does sleeping late and taking a day off work remind you of my tireless efforts in the fight against discrimination in Albany, Birmingham, St. Augustine, or Selma?


But you want to celebrate my birthday on a day when it’s convenient, so you can go out of town for a long weekend?

Ah. Um.

You don’t have to say anything, son. But, I didn’t give my life for a “convenient” birthday celebration. Besides, it’s not about me. It’s about freedom. It’s about equality. And as long as people strive for freedom and equality, that’s what’s important. But people shouldn’t take one day a year … particularly the wrong day … but should be fighting every day for freedom.

In, 1963, I said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” We have not yet reached that day.

But tomorrow…

Tomorrow, a black man becomes president. And as long as people judge him as a black man, and not on his character, this nation will not have reached the day that my dream is fulfilled.

Some people voted against him because of his color. Others voted for him because of his color. Both of those votes are out of line with my dream. But those that voted for him … or for his opponent … because of the character of the man … those are the ones that are living my dream.

But many feel that Barack Obama’s election brings us closer to that day.

The teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will bring us closer to that day. Jesus Christ taught us to all love one another. Jesus Christ taught us that we are all God’s children. Jesus Christ taught us that we are all part of the family of God, and that we’ll all be together one day. Jesus Christ taught us that He is the way to eternal salvation. And if He is the way to salvation, surely He is the way to peace and harmony in our land.

Do not remember me by saving a dollar at J.C. Penney. Remember instead that I was just a poor, black preacher, who was saved by the grace of God though His Son, Jesus Christ. And He can save us all. And our country, if we just follow Him.