
A Real Conspiracy That Must Be Confronted


What do those words have in common?

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If I’d have said that, I’d have been called a racist…

Just sayin’…

Why They Hated Him

There has been a lot of theorizing on why the left hated George W. Bush so much, and now it’s my turn. The reason the left became so deranged and hateful about Bush is that he never reacted to their hatred. They’d scream, wave puppets, stomp their little feet, be as vulgar as possible, and even throw shoes, and they couldn’t even get a wry comment out of him. They’d pour all their energies into their mindless hatred and then get absolutely nothing from their target. This lack of reaction had to make the left feel impotent and realize how pointless their screeching was, which would only enrage them further. With everything invested in their hate, they wanted dividends, but they never got it. So they kept doubling down, hoping if they only became more vulgar and obnoxious, maybe Bush would dignify their existence with some reaction.

But he never did. Bush has been the model Christian, always turning the other cheek to the hatred shot at him and never appearing to let it get to him. The left’s incoherent rage was pointless and never a threat to him, so he just let it go. Something to learn from.

Let’s Think This Through

Frustration Mounts After Many With Tickets Wait Hours, Only To Learn They’re Not Allowed In

It was pure shock for those who had tickets to enter through the purple gates, only to find out they’d be held back blocks from Capitol and the National Mall.


“We got our tickets, we paid our money, we brought our money to the economy and we couldn’t get in,” said an angry spectator, holding up his ticket to show where he should be.

No big screens, no piped in audio to hear, no inauguration to witness and enjoy, even though they worked so hard to get a prized ticket to be there.

So… what do you think’s gonna happen when Obama’s people are in charge of your health care?

It Begins

I am tired of our failure of a president. Isn’t it time the commander in queef manned up and did something about his two failing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Or maybe he wants them to go on as long as possible to kill as many civilians as possible.

We need to get an international tribunal to arrest him for war crimes. I’d insert names of evil people into his names to insult him (like “BusHitler”), but his father already did that for me.