Gird Your Loins

Just a reminder: Congress reconvenes on Monday.

Random Thought

Kids these days are even dumber than kids were back when our parents were adults.

President Do-Nothing

So it’s been like a couple days now with Obama president, and nothing has happened. He signed a bill saying he’ll close Gitmo in a year (we’ll see), and nothing else. So basically, he’s written his name once. I expect more out of a president, especially a president of the United States of America.

Our New Favorite Democrat?

So the woman who will be replacing Hillary in the Senate (and taking the seat from Princess Caroline) has a 100% voting record with the NRA, voted against the $700 billion bailout, and is for securing the border and against amnesty. That’s better than most Republicans these days. I didn’t even know they made Democrats like that in New York. If she really starts to annoy the liberals, I shall rename her “Liebergirl”.

Those Wacky Liberals

So Caroline Kennedy dropped out of a Senate bid because of tax and nanny issues and we have the Treasury Secretary nominee Geithner not paying his taxes. It sure seems like though liberals like passing laws and new taxes, but on following laws or paying taxes not so much. Biden should question their patriotism.