Sponsor Announcement

Announcer: Are you bothered by taxes? Does it irk you to work 5 months a year just to pay money to someone else? Are you paying taxes? Then stop being a sucker!!

Sally Soccermom: But I thought I HAD to pay taxes. Something about caring about the children, or not going to prison or something like that?

Sarah Hockeymom: Yeah!

Announcement: Yes, you used to have to pay taxes, but now we have a brand new book from our future Secretary of the Treasury….



Sally Soccermom: Wow! Saving my hard earned money would be so wonderful.

Sarah Hockeymom: Even if people would call us selfish!

Announcer: It’s only selfish when OTHER people do it!

Timothy Geithner: Yes, I don’t have to pay ANY taxes? Isn’t that great!

Announcer: Yes, it’s GREAT!

Wesley Snipes: You mean I don’t have to pay any taxes either!

Announcer: Shut up, boy!

The Voice of Obama (coming from the heavens) I fully endorse and/or approve of this book. I feel that Timothy has worked hard in the financial industry and has paid his dues. Well, actually his dues were unpaid in 2001 and 2002 but he made good on those too!

Sally Soccermom: Yay! No more taxes!

Sarah Hockeymom: You betcha! (wink)

Wesley: Do I still have to go to jail?


  1. Wait, I think I may have it — I guess Frank set up anti-leeching scripts that require the referrer to be imao.us. I think maybe you’re kind of doing it wrong, though — your 404 page looks like a blog article, complete with (multi-KB) sidebars and background. Your 404 should be a lot lighter weight, to reduce server traffic.

    Anyway, adding the RefControl firefox plugin fixed it — it was probably caused by my work’s firewall, I’d guess. If anybody else has the problem, setting RefControl to “Forge” for this site will probably take care of it.

  2. This is tooooo funny! Can we turn this into a racial issue? Remember the slavery reparations tax exemption? What happened to those people?

    BTW, I noticed that there was an ad for TurboTax in the comment above mine. Coincidence?

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