
Some companies like Pepsi have been trying to cash in on the Obama craze, but I think the one best positioned for synergy would be Kool-Aid.

“What? You don’t think an Obama presidency is going to be the most awesome thing ever? Give in and drink the Obama Kool-Aid!”

There could also be like an Obama brand gun for shooting yourself in the head.


  1. Shoot yourself in the head. Lower IQ to the point you are a liberal.

    Rome had Carthage feeding it grain to keep it alive. The Romans were arrogant and believed themselves better.

    America has the middle east feeding us oil. The liberal amerikans are arrogant and believe the New York City state of mind is better than the rest.

    This can not end happily.

  2. I’ve heard that many other companies want in on this. For example:

    * Waffle House renamed its waffles to “The One’s.” A stack of little One’s are called “Gaffes.”

    * Dulcolax renamed its hemorrhoid suppositories product line to “Obamarhoids.” Each application is good for four years of this sh*t.

    * Tylenol came out with a new pill: Tylenol – O. Can we buy it off the shelf? “Yes we can.” Does it wreck your liver? “Yes it does.”

    * Johnny Walker’s new label features the Obama campaign logo and a warning phrase, “Get drunk responsibly. May result in an attack by conservatives.”

  3. There could also be like an Obama brand gun for shooting yourself in the head.


    * Unqualified
    * Inexperienced
    * Prone to getting stuff stuck on his head

    So, in order, to match his, uh, well, general failure, what would they make? Chauchats?

  4. #11, jul,

    A French machine gun from WW1. Legendary for, among other faults, being inaccurate, prone to jamming, and having holes in the magazines that were supposed to show how many rounds were left, but instead left the magazine exposed to the dirt and mud of the trenches. It was also so poorly made that parts from different guns were never interchangeable.

  5. Obama Kook-Aid wins…in flavors Berry Leftwing and Arugula.

    Coinage with That One’s picture on it…for the change that we’ll be left with in our pockets.
    Oh wait, they already have that.

    Clinton Condoms: so thou can do to thee what Washington will do to us.

  6. Go to 40 minutes, 30 seconds into the movie Idiocracy…

    Look at the White House…

    Look at the tire swing in the columns on the front of the White House…

    Look at the logo in the tire swing…

    Look familiar?

    I think what they did was a variation of the Pepsi logo to not quite be close enough to get sued. So basically, they changed the two yin-yang elements to be basic curves. But the result is the Obama logo, except with the red part where the blue is and vice versa.

    Now fast forward to this Pepsi ad campaign and notice that they DID change the curves on the Pepsi logo to look like the Obama logo. It’s a perfect match to the one in Idiocracy from 2006.

    I worked at Pepsi as a consultant for a year, and trust me none of this comes as a shock. It’s one big affirmative action nightmare where even projects that are critical and in deep trouble are stalled while we were forced to bow at the altar of the monster truck they put in the Gay Pride Parade the weekend before.

  7. BTW, has anybody else seen the new logo for ABC? I glimpsed a promo commercial the other night & saw the usual sphere ABC uses, but this time it had that stupid background we’ve been subjected to for the last year.

    It was so…progressive. It made me wonder: Does ABC own Pepsi as well as obama, or is it just obama?

  8. #9 Scott F.

    ObaMalt liquor – For when you go to bed with a Palin, and wake up with a Hillary.

    Dude, don’t even think that. (Gak! My eyes!)

    How about “Obama Suckers” or is that too obvious?

  9. An Obama brand gun? It would have to be banned, hence impossible to obtain legally. May I suggest a home-made Zip Gun, since zip is what we’re gonna have after President Obama is done with us?

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