We Funny?

IMAO has made finalist for humor blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I didn’t think it was a very funny year for us, though. It was just a blah year for politics; I except things to pick up as the Democrats take power and start going crazy.

Anyway, what was your favorite posts from the past year?


  1. Any and all In My World’s! And anything having to do with punching hippies! Punching is always motivational and it has been a long year for the little troopers…but your punching posts have kept the dobbers up!

  2. Fred Facts were my personal faves. Still anything that got the trolls lathered up was good for a few chuckles. While I understand one shouldn’t feed them it is entertaining to watch the frenzy when one does.

    I miss his royal downiness Right Wing Duck too.

  3. I still have fond memories of the photographs of Keith Olbermann, Helen Thomas, and Nancy Pelosi having sex as a threesome. Or maybe that was the New York Times website that posted those.

  4. I’m torn. This blog never fails to bring tears to my eyes. From the serious (Mr. President) to the hilarious (In My World – No Preconditions). I think being a finalist in the humor category, IMAO should also be a finalist in the news / truth / just the facts ma’am category(ies).

  5. I’m a little suprised that Iowahawk wasn’t listed. They’ve come out with a couple really good ones this year.

    [Me too, but I still don’t quite understand how selections are made. The only thing I have on Iowahawk is that I post more… usually. -Ed.]

  6. Well, I just haven’t had the power to be funny. L i t e r a l l y. I mean, I haven’t had power for 14 hours thanks to 4″ of wet snow and stupid homeowners who won’t cut their trees down. So there’s no way I’m responsible for any of this hilarity, Socrates. Engineers aren’t funny anyway, including Frank, unless they go into “goofy mode” which is known to happen quite often. (Lucky for Frank.)

    Parodies, Frank. More Parodies. Fabulous facts, IMW’s, off-the-wall stuff from Harvey and everyone else. We’re dyin’ out here from Obama denial.

  7. Anyway, what was your favorite posts from the past year?

    Clearly,”We Funny?” has been a very popular post, since it took several hours and 14 comments for someone to notice this.

  8. I enjoy the theological debates that tend to break out occasionally.
    The hardest laugh I got here was the one that speculated on the events likely to occur at the Democrat convention.
    I also like the music links you provided like, ‘If We Had Some Global Warming’, and ‘It’s time for some campaigning’.
    IMW, News Fakery, the WE-tard scam and Basil’s ‘Nightmare’ posts were good too.

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  10. There’s no reason to vote for your favorite humor blog. The democrats will just invent and double-count votes for some Huffington Post blog, and the Republicans, led by no one, will merely send a meek letter written by John Boehner, and allow the corruption to continue. So, the Weblog Award will be won by a lib, and John McCain and Newt Gingrich will chastise you if you object to the libs stealing the award. Such is life.

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