Silly Canadians

Did you know there is a country to the north of us? Steven Crowder tells us all about them:

Affirmative Action and Socializing the Big Three

I haven’t linked Zo in a while. Here is with his in one of his new fancy PJTV productions.


In my understanding, the Americans were unarmed so they must have fought off the pirates with kung fu. I guess that proves who would win in a fight between pirates and ninjas.

Support for Gun Control at an All Time Low

Who says all conservative ideas aren’t popular? In fact, when asked what do you think of gun control, the number of people responding, “Gun control is for little pinko pantywaists who constantly wet themselves” is at an all time high. We just have to convince other countries to stop being worthless sissies. Maybe they’ll be more responsive to that argument when they’re ruled by Muslims.

Obama Seeks God Like Power

If we don’t stop the leprechauns global warming, Obama is threatening to use radical technologies to affect the climate like purposely putting pollution in the air. How is this not going to kill us all? We’re adversely affecting the climate without even trying, so now we’re going to purposely screw with things? I wonder if that’s what killed the dinosaurs: They elected an Obamasaur (largest ears of any land animal) and it tried to “save” them.

This is where conservatives need to put their foot down. Obama can screw up the country (that’s his right after being elected president) but he cannot be allowed to render the earth inhospitable to life. No weather machines for him!

Who Is the Better Leader: Barack Obama or Kim Jong Il

I look at the unbiased press in both America and North Korea for answers in my latest Pajamas Media column.