28 100 Days Later

If we extrapolate from the first one hundred days, by the end of Obama’s first term America’s debt will be higher than the GDP of the world, every rogue state will have nuclear missiles, we’ll all have swine flu, and Obama’s approval ratings will finally fall below 50% (though he’ll still be personally popular).

On the bright side, since the Democrats now have a filibuster proof majority, it’s not like there’s anything we can do about it so we might as well sit back and relax. Just make sure you’re prepared to drive around a barren wasteland fighting gangs for gasoline.


  1. I’m getting a vivid picture of an Obama presidency turning the USA into something akin to Bedford Falls had Mr. Potter, instead of George Bailey, been in charge of it.

    But you know what? As much of a disaster and embarrassment he’s been in only 100 days, Mr. Obama did not start the USA’s downward slide; he only completed it. It started back 30+ years ago when professional atheist Madeline Murray O’Hair successfully removed the 10 Commandments, or just basic Judeo-Christian values, from classrooms…and Christians did not think it was our duty to get involved in politics to run her out of town. The result? The dumbing-down and political correctness of education and society, a “news” and “entertainment” media that is nothing more than socialist/commie propaganda, out of wedlock babies, substance abuse, and intolerance and hate from both sides of this new divided America.

    Sorry for going off on a tangent there.

    Other than that, I’m going to point and laugh when the moonbats start spinning and screeching when Dear Fuhrer Leader raises THEIR taxes.

  2. I personally would like to thank our wonderful President – The Most Glorious Barack Obama! I think he is the best President EVER! I would like to personally offer to switch parties to the Democratic Party and offer myself to my President in any capacity that he may see fit. I might suggest that I have spent many hours observing subversives on certain “blogs” who I believe may benefit from certain recently tested and proven “re-education” techniques on the island of Cuba (owned and operated by Uncle Sam) who I am willing to rat out for my generous piece of the stimulus pie!

  3. Did Mad Max have un-opposable thumbs too?

    Or will it be less mad-max and more Omega Man, starring Dick Cheney as Charlton Heston (with Fred Thompson standing in as stunt double).

  4. I’d have to check the numbers, but maybe if every Republican congressman were to resign his seat in the House the House would lack a quorum and be unable to act until after the mid term elections.

    Well, it’s an option if the legislation thing gets too out of hand.

  5. #2 Frye…the solution is simple. Disguise yourself as a radical Muslim, then knock on Janet Napolitano’s door. She’ll give you guns to protect yourself against what this administration considers terrorists…namely marines and patriots.

  6. “…and offer myself to my President in any capacity that he may see fit.” -ussjc

    There are certain inevitabilities with The One, ussjc. You gotta be careful what you offer him. The guy is uh.. era.. um.. weird. (If you had said that about Hillary, I would have suggested you pack a helmet. But with Obama, it may just be tinfoil and tongue accessories.)

    Frank, I would add: “All police forces in the US will be nationalized.”

  7. The first place you’ll find is a sleeze-pit called Washington D.C., if the earth don’t swallow you up first, that place sure as hell will.>>>”Me order! Me Barak! Me run Washington D.C.!”>>> Robert ‘Toady’ Gibbs, ” Greetings from O-bah-muhh! The Lord O-bah-muhh! The Effete Pirate of the Wastelands! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah!”

  8. #6 Nunya B. I forgot about Madeline Murray. Did they ever find her body? God has such a funny sense of humor!

    #13 hyw93. Try ethanol? By the way, I live a few miles from Hwy 93. We must be neighbors.

  9. “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

    The O king wasn’t getting any traction on his proposal that the way to revive the economy was to nationalize healthcare, so Gosh, here comes a (so called) pandemic – just what the witchdoctor ordered!

    If he really wanted to reduce health costs, he doesn’t need to nationalize healthcare or the health insurance industy – just nationalize Medical Malpractice Insurance.
    Everytime some lawyer like John (won’t come out of the restroom) Edwards tried to sue a doctor or a hospital for malpractice, I’d love to see him face a team of government attorneys, with a squad of IRS agents sitting right behind him in the courtroom, taking notes.

    It wouldn’t be total tort reform, but it might be a good place to start.
    Many doctors face crippling premiums for malpractice insurance – if the govmnt took that burden away, they wouldn’t have to charge so much for their services just to break even and everyone’s health costs would go down.

  10. 4 of 7, you know full well that politicians and logic are no close friends of each other and are rarely caught in the same company. Stop being practical and intelligent about problems. We all know the answer is always more Socialism. Always.

  11. ‘We all know …’

    As Tonto said to the Lone Ranger, “What do you mean, ‘we’, paleface?”

    I agree that this current crew represent government ‘of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers’, but I can dream, can’t I? 😉

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