An End to Privacy

I would just like to say that IMAO support the president’s effort against Somali privacy. Somalis have far too many secrets and its time for that to end. Libertarians will say that everyone — including Somalis — deserve privacy as a human right, but that’s why there is that famous saying: “Libertarians are stupid. Shut up.” As long as Somalia continues to engage in privacy, we will assume it is against are interests and put an end to it. We all know private sayings like, “Arr! Shiver me timbers and encrypt me e-mails!” Well, no more.


  1. Aahh, the world’s greatest communicater. Perhaps we’ll be told that “privacy” actually means “piracy” in the newly discovered language of “Austrian.”

    Of course, the entire administration retains the right to hit the “overcharge” button at any time to start over with a clean slate.

  2. These Somalians and their privacy are out to undermine justice in our communities. For far too long they have sown the seeds of discontent with their insistence on behaving privately in ways they would not behave in public. It isn’t right. It isn’t fair.

  3. When I was in high school, I went to ‘American Legion Boy’s State.’ It was held at the Iowa National Guard’s Camp Dodge. I remember that in the latrines, there were no stalls, just rows of toilets. That was the first of my few experiences pinching a loaf sans privacy. I mean, it’s one thing to take a leak in a big trough with a bunch of strangers, but when you have to lay heavy cable where anyone can observe you, well, it’s just kind of unsettling. Maybe bho wants to get rid of toilet stall dividers for the pirates… that would certainly reduce morale, and maybe they’d think twice about holding a ship for ransom.

  4. In Roe v. Wade we learned that privacy = abortion. Obama wants to eliminate privacy in Somalia, so Obama must want to eliminate abortion there. Wow! Obama is an anti-abortionist!! Who knew?

  5. T. N. Amaps,

    I went to Boy’s State in AZ. I was a Senator. But marginally less useless. Man, that was where I really started getting interested in Politics too. God Bless the American Legion.

  6. Pirates were also called privateers during times of war ( the enemy of my enemy is my ally ), so technically,O-bah-muhh was correct. (Just giving credit where credit is due, Frank!) Since Islam is at war with Infidels, they(the pirates) are privateers, that get to keep the booty(ransom) to fund Jihad.

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