April Fools!

No, I forgot and didn’t come up with an April Fools joke today. I mean, I make up stuff every day, and then today I’m supposed to extra make stuff up or something? I don’t have time for that; like how much do you think I get paid for this? Less now, because the Pajamas Media ads are gone (they do now have me writing a weekly column for them, though).

Anyway, no jokes today. Only serious.


  1. Well, perhaps that’s fitting. The problem with our current political situation is there are already way, way too many jokes. They’re not funny jokes, just that each of them individually, and collectively, is a joke.

  2. “I make up stuff every day…Anyway, no jokes today. Only serious.” Stop the car. Who’s driving? What’s all this talk about making stuff up and jokes? I thought this was a hard news site.

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