
Rick of The Rabid Conservative has honored IMAO with a completely useless and utterly meaningless award that he made up for the sole purpose of drawing attention to himself:

Despite this being only marginally more thoughtful than a stack of last-minute DVD’s from the White House gift shop, IMAO will display this image with pride, since we have so little of our own.

No, wait… maybe that’s “shame” I was thinking of…

Either way, this brings up the obvious question:


Yes, yes, reading, commenting, buying mechandise, clicking on the 80 bazillion ads that litter the site like stink on a hippie, but other than that?

…That’s what I thought.

Well, here’s your chance to redeem yourselves and get a link in the sidebar that Frank’s too lazy to update the blogroll on.

Make up a fancy award image honoring IMAO, blog about it, and drop a link in the comments.

Keep it PG-13, and if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, it will be duly noted in a post (which may take a while if participation is heavy, so be patient), and placed in the sidebar with a link to your site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum sidebar image width is 190 pixels. If your award image is crammed with indistinguishable details, or tiny, squinty print that looks like crap at 190px, that may very well count as sucking too terribly bad.

Now get honoring!


  1. I feel touched…with a sledgehammer…*snicker* Oh well, I got a few hits out of it, so I guess it worked.

    I’ll click a few more banner ads and toss y’all a couple more nickels…and have to come up with a couple IMAO-centric lolz…this should be good.

  2. Innomatus, I’d never really made the Harvey/Zod connection before, but after viewing the award you made, it is all starting to come into view and everything makes sense again. Behold the power of Harvey’s Beard! Billy Mays wishes he had that kinda Juice.

  3. Gee, I’m glad I’m off the hook here since I don’t blog and I don’t photoshop. I shouldn’t even be commenting, either. But I’ll make up for it by suggesting some award slogans (just words):

    “To IMAO, The 2009 Award For Best…”

    “Multiple Personality Disorder” (Frank + Harvey = same person)

    “Speaking in Conservative Tongues”

    “Camouflage Of Obama-induced Apoplexy”

    “Dwindling Commenter Retention In A Recession”

  4. I don’t do the Photo-mo-shoppy thingy either, but if I did it would be “Unlike Joe Biden I give my plugs to just about anyone who links to me award.” But with a more Chomps looking dog. And the usual wheelbarrow of cash.

  5. Some people come here to blog and post.
    Others come here to jeer and sneer.
    I just come here to eat my lunch while reading the bullsh@t about the , um, the, liberal world.

    So I’m not a poet. but so are you!

  6. “To IMAO, The 2009 Award For Best…”

    “Collection Of Writers And Commeters Most Likely To Be Retained In The Camp Obama Re-education Facility.” (Tied with Ace on that one.)

    Hello muddah, hello faddah
    Here I am at Camp Obama
    Camp is very ‘O’ constraining
    But they say we’ll have some fun when not complaining.

    (Those Camp Granada lyrics are hard to change.)

  7. Pingback: An Award for IMAO « Humor and Satire at You Should Be Tasered

  8. I mention your blog on firearms blogs’ comment sections whenever possible. I think sending more armed people to read your funny stuff could result in amusing negligent discharges as people with guns read your stuff and laugh so loud they either spill their coffee on their computers or shoot the monitor in anger. Either way, you get a response.

    You are welcome.

  9. Pingback: In Short - Awards for Everyone « The Rabid Conservative

  10. Pingback: Barely Literate Award! « Liber Ex Machina

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