
AlanABQ has honored IMAO with the “Buddy Jesus Says: You Are Alriiiiiiight!” Award.

Catholicism WOW! I gotta give credit for earning this award to Frank, since he’s the wine & wafers guy around here. Due to my absence of belief system, I end up spending most of my time dodging the many lightning bolts that keep striking within 50 feet of me. Which is just pure, random chance, of course. It’s not like I’ve ever done anything even remotely blasphemous.


To join the exclusive club of blogs who honor IMAO and have your award featured on our sidebar with a link to your blog, make up a fancy award image honoring IMAO, blog about it, and drop a link in the comments.

Keep it PG-13, and if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, your award will be duly noted in a post (Current estimated wait time – 6 Award posts), and placed in the sidebar with a link to your site.

As added incentive for people to honor IMAO with worthless, made-up awards, those who do so may proudly display this worthless, made-up Participant Ribbon:

If you don’t have a blog, then send your image to and include a link to one of your favorite IMAO posts.

For the Photoshop-impaired, here’s a guide to making mediocre fake pictures with Microsoft Paint

Or try the free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum sidebar image width is 190 pixels. Please make sure text is at least barely legible at that size.

Now get honoring!


  1. Is AlanABQ a closet hippie? Who but a hippie would know about that song by the Doobie Brothers.

    Of course I know nothing about that song. It’s just a coincidence that I even mentioned it. Please don’t mistake me for a hippie and punch my dumb monkey face.

  2. So where are the mobs of angry Christians taking to the street because Christ has been depicted in an unholy manner? We need to make a “Buddy mohammed” and see what happens. I get the joke, but i am getting fed up with my Savior being the focal point. Jesus isnt someone who would be “cool” with you making silly little figurines of him giving the thumbs up. He conquered death and hell itself to give us a chance to be with him in eternity. Im done putting up with jokes about Christ. He died for me, and as a former US Marine, that means more to me than most people. Im not gonna burn down the town and execute people like the peacful followers of mohammed do, but im telling people what I think now. Folks – start thinking in a more serious manner, because if you read the bible, id say we are in the beginning of the last chapter. Most of us Right Wing Extremists with our Bibles and guns actually believe what the Bible says about “end time prohecy”. Im not taking my salvation for granted anymore. Obama will not save ANYBODY, CHRIST will save EVERYBODY.

  3. Actually, I’m with acrazymic on this one. In “Dogma”, the Buddy Christ figure represents the moral decay and compromise of the “progressive” element in the Catholic Church, which is willing to cheapen the Church’s foundational values in exchange for shallow popularity. To anyone who holds uncompromisingly to the traditions of Christianity, this “hip” Jesus SHOULD be an offensive image.

    But what you should be offended by is not the image itself, but the faux, appearance-oriented Christianity it represents. Use it to remind yourself of WHY you are a Christian, and let it strengthen your faith.

  4. Let me reassure everyone that:

    1. I am not a hippie.

    2. I am a Christian, and this isn’t an attack on Christ or His divinity.

    3. This depiction is even more mediocre than the film it came from & you ought to be thanking me I didn’t include an image of Alanis Moreupset.

    4. I used this image because, for starters, it was already in existence & I’m too lazy to come up with my own JPEG blasphemy (and more than a bit scared to), and also because of the ridiculous notion that Christ’s depiction in Hollywood & many mainstream religious sects is that His message can be as malleable as our constitution. In other words, for certain folks to assert that He would give his blessing to some of the more reprehensible acts these days is as ludicrous as people saying that PBAs & pedophilia are protected by our constitution while our right to have guns is not.

    5. Jesus does think you’re alright; He just wants the same love from you.

    6. If it makes anyone feel better, I’ll do one with Gandhi, Mohammed, Dr. Phil, David Koresh & Joseph Smith dressed like the Village People doing the ‘YMCA’ instead.

  5. FWIW I’ll vouch for AlanABQ, he’s one of us, was here at IMAO before I was; he just hasn’t posted much lately.

    And I think Jesus has a sense of humor, and is/was a pretty laid-back, Cool Dude at that. After all, He hung out with the sinners and was annoyed by the piousness/piety? of the Pharisees, the ruling religious class of the day. Religion is a man-made concept designed to separate people based on rituals and traditions; Jesus is not – He is Who He is, and welcoming to all.

    (BTW, Secular Humanism and the Church of Global Warming are also religions)

    What Jesus wants from us is obedience to His Word, and fellowship with us. Go figure, the God of all Creation wants to hang with us little ol’ imperfect humans! That’s why, I think, He likes prayers talking to us more like conversations, instead of Biblical theses or letters to Santa Claus.

    JMHO, worth whatcha paid for it.

  6. AlanABQ, in your mention of pedophilia, are you insinuating that the Catholic Church tolerates it? Are you one of those ignorant people who thinks that the whole Church runs in lock step with the Pope? I’m not saying that you are, just asking. I only wish that the Catholic Church was in lock step with the Pope, because then we could eject those liberal “Catholics” who belong to Call to Action or Planned Infanticide from the Church. However, for one to suggest that the Church as a whole (not just a single liberal bishop) allowed or tolerated unnatural acts toward children by her clergy is like saying that the United States government officially endorses tax evasion because certain cabinet members have engaged in it.

  7. Tommy-

    No. If you’ll notice, I didn’t mention any church/denomination. Before this goes any further, let me make it clear that this wasn’t intended to spark some socio-political or theocratic debate, denounce religion, or make cheap shot at people of faith.

    To anyone who takes umbrage at what I submitted, I do apologize; I wasn’t intending to offend anyone’s sensibilities. Let me reiterate that the image was already available – but it’s not as though I went out of my way to use an image of a gorilla being crucified or a cross submerged in bodily waste, as some artists being funded by the NEA (as in taxpayer funded) are prone to do.
    Perhaps to some, “Buddy Jesus” is no less offensive, but let’s be a little less sensitive about what may or may not be meant as an affront to faith when it may only be meant in jest. This entire exercise was meant to be a humorous way to give kudos to a blog many of us have enjoyed for years.

    Lighten up. If you don’t like images of Christ being portrayed in ways you find unflattering, then don’t make any.

  8. Thanks for clarifying, AlanABQ, and for your apology, which I accept. Attacks against my faith are the one area where I have no sense of humour. Liberals are getting more and more offensive against Christians every day, and I am tired of their ignorant bigotry.

  9. – Matthew 5:44
    “But I tell you Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you”

    – Matthew 5:48
    “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

    – Matthew 7:28-29
    When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.

    The whole ‘sermon on the mount’ was a series of challenges to the people’s religious expectations – intended to shock them out of their complacency and to make them really examine their standard practices compared to God’s perfection.
    If I do that, I must conclude that I can’t meet such a high standard even for an instant, that all my righteousness is as filthy rags, and I need help!
    At which point Jesus says, “Now you’re catching on!”
    The good news that Jesus Saves isn’t ‘good’ news until I realize that I need saving.

    There’s a lot of complacency in western Christianity these days. It’s becoming more of a hobby than a way of life. If we can’t remember to thank God for peace, freedom and prosperity, maybe we’ll remember to call on him in persecution, weakness and poverty. It wouldn’t be the first time He had to shake his people up to get their attention. (reference any chapter in the book of Judges, for instance).

    Anyway, I don’t think AlanABQ meant any offense – and Harvey’s analysis of ‘Dogma’ was spot on.
    That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a pretty wierd movie – Gary Oldman (Professor Snape) as an angel, George Carlin as a cardinal and Cris Rock as the apostle Rufus? meh. 😉

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