
Innominatus of Innominatus has honored IMAO with the “Superior Satire” Award:

And no crummy Obama “I didn’t really bow” bows, either. We demand sincere, subservient kneeling!


To join the exclusive club of blogs who honor IMAO and have your award featured on our sidebar with a link to your blog, make up a fancy award image honoring IMAO, blog about it, and drop a link in the comments.

Keep it PG-13, and if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, your award will be duly noted in a post (which may take a while if participation is heavy, so be patient), and placed in the sidebar with a link to your site.

As added incentive for people to honor IMAO with worthless, made-up awards, those who do so may proudly display this worthless, made-up Participant Ribbon:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum sidebar image width is 190 pixels. If your award image is crammed with indistinguishable details, or tiny, squinty print that looks like crap at 190px, that may very well count as sucking too terribly bad.

Now get honoring!


  1. I’ve always wondered how someone who goes around with the handle “innominatus” (meaning “no name”) can be so funny and perspicacious. I guess its because you “perspire” a lot, huh?

    Now don’t go poke yourself in the chest with the pin of Harvey’s IMAO Honor Award Participant ribbon!!

  2. BTW, Innominatus, I might kneel before Harvey. But I think I’d only bow to Frank. You know, kind of a medium – not all the way down – with one leg bent – Obama kind of bow. Sort of part bow, part genuflection and part curtsy. One must not kneel before a clean-shaven king, you know. I mean, who does Frank think he is, King Frank Abdullah? At least Harvey has Viking blood in him, I hear. I mean, the name ‘Fleming’ comes the Netherlands or France, probably. They were wool traders of all things. No way I’m kneeling to a friggin wool trader that shaves sheep and tends goats.

    There. That settles it. Kneel before Harvey (or Frank if you like goats).

  3. [inspects armpits] Crap! Jimmy’s right! No bloodshed from the ribbon, but I felt like a total noob trying to get blogger to display it in the sidebar. And whassup with Obama’s one knee bow thing? Was he expecting King Abdullah to Knight him or something? “I dub thee Sir Spendalot. Arise, Sir Knight!”

    And don’t forget about that Dutch Tulip Mania speculative bubble thingy from a few hundred years ago. It’s kinda hard to take seriously anybody who’s ancestors lost their family goat farms betting on flower bulbs.

  4. Pingback: Awards for Everybody! « Humor and Satire at You Should Be Tasered

  5. #5 PammyV

    I think this contest is rigged. Some of us don’t have the skills to make a fancy schmancy award. Is there a affirmative active clause for those of us who are unskilled in the this photoshop stuff?

    Pssst! Pammy! Guys with rigged contests and demand kneeling generally don’t like people who complain. If you are graphically challenged, go ask the government for a bailout until you can gain a working knowledge of The Gimp 2.6.6 (it’s free).

    Don’t mess with Harvey–he knows Frank, and Frank knows Aquaman.

  6. “Don’t mess with Harvey–he knows Frank, and Frank knows Aquaman.”


    I liove in constant fear of angering Frank and Harvey. The nightmares of being inexplicable attacked by Fish in my landlocked State of Arizona after Aquaman carries out a Contract from Frank keeps me in line.

  7. #14

    The nightmares of being inexplicable attacked by Fish in my landlocked State of Arizona after Aquaman carries out a Contract from Frank keeps me in line.

    Well, a word to the the wise is sufficient for most of the posters here, right?

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