Bow? What bow?

Hello, my name is Tommy Flanagan, White House spokesman.

I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about the president’s meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

You see this picture? Some have said that the president is bowing to King Abdullah. Well, that’s just not true.

The president did not bow. No, he, um… he was bending down. Yeah. Bending down so he could look King Abdullah in the eye. Yeah. That’s what he did.

Then he … saw a ninja. Yeah, a ninja. The ninja was hiding and the president feared for King Abdullah’s safety. So he dove after the ninja and beat him up. With one han… one finger. That how powerful Barack Obama is. He beats up ninjas. With one finger. His pinkie finger.

Look at the picture again. See the ninja? Of course you don’t! It’s a ninja! But the president saw him. Because he has x-ray eyes. He can see ninjas. Yeah.

Then he saw the king choking. And gave him the Heimlich Maneuver. Yeah.

See? He’s giving him Heimlich Maneuver from the front! It’s a secret, special Heimlich Maneuver. And I taught him how to do it. Yeah. It’s called the “Flanagan Maneuver.” That’s the ticket.

The president is a hero. Because he saved the king. King Abdullah will probably give him his daughter to marry. Kings do that, you know.

Then, to top it off, he auditioned for Dancing with the Stars right there on the spot.

See? He’s dancing. And he won! The president is the best dancer ever. Yeah.

So I hope this has cleared things up. The president didn’t bow to the king of Saudi Arabia. No, he would never do such a silly thing.

Barack Obama knows what he’s doing. He’s … experienced! Yeah, that’s the ticket. He’s the smartest, bravest, most qualified man ever to sit in the Oval Office. Or my wife’s name isn’t … Morgan Fairchild.


  1. The more I see that photo the more I think he’s probably saying, “Did a bird just poop on my head?.. I think I bird just pooped on my head!.. Is there bird poop on my head???”

  2. Is it bow..? Is it a kiss..? Is he kneeling..?

    No, he is displaying he’s feminine side and multitasking, doing all 3 at the same time…

    Love from the cartoon country… Denmark 😉

  3. @James Flames

    Bush was a former pirate, so ninjas feared to come near him

    although, the say, he was also a former ninja, and he ended the pirate ninja war of the late 90s, it wasnt untill he gave up hiw ways, to become president, that the war broke out again

  4. Guy in cheap suit: My king, I am afraid my cover worked to well

    Guy with towel on head: Just bow, you moron

    Guy in cheap suit: but my king , I got elected

    Guy with towel on head: Abdul, you dope, you told me I was going to meet with joe biden, not his man servant. look at that suit.

    Guy in cheap suit: Can I stand up yet?

  5. Obama, the President of the United States and leader of the free world, bows to a Saudi King who represents a despotic regime noted for its’ human rights violations, a birthplace of terrorists, a symbol of everything that is an antithesis to our system of government, and it’s no big deal?

    I consider myself fortunate to have been born in a republic. I appreciate that as a citizen of a republic, I need not bow to any man or woman. We are all created equal, and blood lines do not make one person superior. This gesture by Obama should rankle every citizen for when Obama bowed as President of the United States, we all bowed.

    He did bow, see the video from the latest angle:

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