Butt heads

Right up front, I need to let you know that I don’t like smoking. If you smoke, I don’t like that you smoke.

However, I understand that it’s your decision to smoke. I just figured you were smarter than that. Obviously, I was wrong about some of you.

But you don’t need me preaching to you about all the things that are bad about smoking. You’ve heard it all. You know all the reasons.

And, if you still smoke, that’s your decision. I just don’t want to have to smell it.

I don’t want to have to pick up your cigarette butts, either.

And that’s my quandary.

When I was in the Army, one of the duties I hated most was having to police the area around the barracks or around the company or battalion headquarters.

Not that I minded picking up trash so much. Things would blow in — candy wrappers, Burger King bags, paper napkins, and such — and they’d need to be policed up.

But the wind doesn’t really blow cigarette butts very far. When we picked up cigarette butts, it was because some butt head had tossed it on the ground.

Being a non-smoker, I didn’t like picking up the butts. But it needed to happen. Soldiers often go in and clean up other people’s messes. Whether it’s something some politician screwed up somewhere, or someone’s cigarette butts on the ground, soldiers end up cleaning it up.

So, when I read about Deb Schallert and her crusade to make it a crime in Oregon to toss cigarette butts on the ground, I understood from whence she came.

But I disagree with her.

It’s already a crime to litter. Even in Oregon. I suppose another law is supposed to make people stop?

And that’s the mentality of lots of folks. “Hey, let’s pass a law making it illegal, and people will stop.”

Passing laws has certainly stopped other things like:

  • Drinking and driving
  • Smoking dope
  • Robbing banks
  • Rape
  • Speeding
  • Murder
  • Kidnapping
  • Running red lights

I mean, nobody does any of those things since they’ve been made illegal, right?

Oh, I’m certainly not saying that we shouldn’t have laws preventing these — and other — things. I’m saying that if one law doesn’t stop it, why would another law stop it?

That’s the thing about that mentality: pass another law.

You end up with a United Nations that passes resolutions and follows up with more resolutions — resolutions that rouge nations will just ignore. [Edit: I would have said “rogue nations,” but most of them like to wear makeup and walk around in women’s clothes when no one is looking, so “rouge nations” works.]

You end up with more and more laws that make it harder for law-abiding citizens to do simple things — laws the criminals are going to ignore anyway.

You end up making a bunch of noise and not solving the problem.

Somebody throw a cigarette butt down in front of you? Hit them in the nose with a newspaper.

Yes, that’s what you do with a bad puppy. But most folks that throw cigarette butts on the ground aren’t any smarter than a puppy. And not nearly as cute.

It also give newspapers a purpose.


  1. Well said. I agree completely.

    Another thing to remember is that all these little laws set precedence for bigger, meaner, freedom-stealing laws. Illinois politicians years ago stated that “We will have no laws pertaining to wearing seatbelts.” because that’s what the people wanted to hear. The people spoke and said “We don’t want to be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt! That’s a freedom–a choice!”
    However, later, they introduced legislature that says “Well, if they get pulled over for something else, and they aren’t wearing a seatbelt, a warning can be issued!” Nobody complained. You aren’t getting a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, it’s just a almost-forceful reminder.
    Then they said “Hey, why not make a little money and up the fine on a ticket if they don’t wear a seatbelt!?” and it was passed as such. Nobody complained… it just went from a reminder to having a little incentive.
    Then they said “Well, you are paying for it anyways.” and not wearing a seatbelt became an offense the police can pull you over and ticket you for. All the peasants said “Well, it’s not that much different from what we had before… so I’m ok with it.”
    If you take a look around, you can find a LOT of examples like this for everyday things and actions.

  2. I have argued a lot, and I mean a LOT with both Democrats and Republicans about my views when it comes to law and order. I don’t think everything should be made legal, but I do believe we should learn to focus a lot more efficiently. For instance, I support decriminalization of marijuana. Not because of medicinal use, not because it would generate tax revenue, especially not because I like the smelly hippies that smoke most of it, but because law enforcement and prisons have MORE IMPORTANT things to worry about.

    I remember exactly when I came to this realization too. I had just gotten out of the service and was working for a national auto parts distributor. My job meant that I spent a lot of time driving from one store to another. One day I was parked in front of one of our stores in a not-so-nice neighborhood, when my truck was stolen. How did I know that? Because I was walking out of the store when the dumbass peeled out in front of me and drove off. I was on my cell phone with the police in less than 30 seconds, they had the make and model, the color, the license plate number, a full description of the guy who stole it, AND which way he was headed on the street because, as I said earlier, I was watching him drive off with it.

    They didn’t catch the guy. In fact, had it not been for the fact the thief was literally a crack-head and was weaving all over the interstate a week later when an off-duty cop (who has my undying gratitude for going above and beyond the call of duty) busted him using my vehicle to deliver orders to his customers, I would likely have never seen it again. The police dpts excuse for why he got away was that only one car was ‘available’. Like I said, I drove all over the state for a living, so I can assure you that I passed a cop car (be it a State Trooper, a City Officer, or a Highway Patrolman) about every 5 miles. There is no shortage of cops out there. The problem is that sooooo many of them are focused on things that don’t really matter. It’s not just drugs either. How many cops spend their days writing parking tickets or speeding tickets? Does this do ANYTHING beyond give money to the state? Have traffic accidents decreased? Have dumbasses stopped parking in handicapped spaces?

    No. Now people slow down when they see a cop in the rear view, but as soon as he’s gone they just go back to speeding. So, if it’s not impacting things anyways, can we please put a few of those traffic enforcers back on the streets to track down the rapists and murders we supposedly don’t have the manpower to catch? But that’s my entire point, we don’t have a shortage of manpower, we’re just short on priorities.

  3. I smoke cigars. I like cigars. I like the smell of cigars. Some people don’t. Therefore I do not smoke a cigar anywhere that people are eating. I don’t smoke indoors, unless the bar is a smoking environment. People shouldn’t be impacted by my decision to smoke. I always police my butts. Both of them. However, when I do go out of my way to smoke it always seems some chump still has a problem with it, and then i destroy them. Pass another law, all it costs is money. We can print plenty of that up.

  4. Smoking is good if done right. Nicotene helps get rid of headaches and when you are attention deficit disordered you can get concentrated using it. Just do not do it everyday. You should not think “habit” you should think “home remedy”….you would not use cough syrup everyday would you?

  5. Oregon can’t decide if it wants to become a Fascist totalitarian state or just continue on it’s path towards communism. It’s already illegal to smoke within 50ft of a “public” entrance (that includes garages) in Multnohma County (mostly Portland Oregon) so most of the downtown area is now off limits to smokers as even if you walk 50ft away from the door you’ll only find yourself too close to another door- and that you’re standing in the middle of the street with 50 tons of TriMet Bus bearing down on you. I’m not a smoker, and I hate the dumb #@$%s that use the world as their ashtray, but come on people! Even COMMUNISTS are free to smoke!

  6. These laws serve three purposes:
    1. They make it look like politicians do something worthwhile.
    2. They make the politician feel good (mostly about themself).
    3. They give the cops and prosecutors another reason to harrass people when there’s no other basis.

    In the state in which I live, it used to be (and probably still is) a crime to throw something away in a public park, even if it is thrown in a waste receptacle. The fact that the item was placed in a trash can must be raised as an affirmative defense at trial.

    No more full time legislatures. Term Limits. No pay for legislative service.

  7. I’d like to hear one point clarified: You say “resolutions that rouge nations will just ignore.” What qualifies a country as a rouge nation? We all know about rogue nations (Iran, NPR, NKPR, etc.) But what is the criteria you are using for rouge nations? Lots of red in the flag? (Russia?) Prominent politicians wear it? (France?)

    Can’t wait to find out!

    Oh, and a great article, too.

  8. The Cigarette Butt Nazis Of Oregon will be able to fine people for improper disposal of butts, which means they get smokers, ( I’m not one ) coming and going by taxing cigarettes and fining butt-litterers. If only they would tax condems and fine abortionists, they would make a bundle.

  9. oaragone has a euthanasia law and legal suicide. The legislature should consider using it. Apparently, retardation is contagious. It is almost totally infected with liberalism. Real Americans don’t live there, and for those taht do, they get what they deserve.

  10. I don’t like smelling flowery perfume. It makes me sneeze. I bet if I worked at it and with all of society behind me it could probably cause my first asthma attack. Therefore flowery perfume must be banned.

  11. Farms shouldn’t be allowed to spread manure either. That is offensive to my delicate olfactory receptors.

    Indian food should be banned too. I find the smell very offensive.

    Also you may not cook fish within 100 yards. My nose is more important than your need to cook what you like.

  12. Isn’t that the funniest thing about libs? They want to make every single thing in the world illegal, but they HATE enforcement. How do I go about getting the “butt” cop job? I live in Salem, and let me tell you, everyone I know is going to make at least ONE prank call to say, “Help, someone out here just dropped their butt!” I predict a need for fake butt detectives… I just see endless humor here at the expense of libs. All the cops I’ve ever met are die hard conservatives and I can’t picture one of them writing a ticket for “butt dropping”.

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