Credit Where Credit Is Due

Some people seem to not want to give Obama credit for the hostage rescue from the pirates since he didn’t really order it and all he did was not interfere with the standing order to shoot and kill if innocent life is threatened. Still, you have to admit he didn’t actively impede the attack against the pirates, and not hindering the troops is an improvement from how he was with the Iraq War. So let’s give credit where credit is due — though I’m not going to name him President of the Day again today.


  1. Whether or not Obama was in anyway involved, we should lull his since of pride with a sussorous of accolades. (Much like you would pat a dog on the head for fetching a stick.)

    Soon he will develop an addiction to the exhilarating heroism that comes from annihilating your country’s enemies, and the weak-willed populist will become a willing slave to our neocon diabolicalry!*

    *not a valid word in Scrabble

  2. Someone needs to give Obama some biographies on Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and JFK with a note pointing out that you can be both a butt kicker, and a socialist before 1962. I would still disagree with the socialist programs here at home, but at least the hippie foreign policy would be gone.

  3. Hey Mayhem, that is a great idea. As long as when he proposes some socialist policy we are allowed to smack him across the nose with a rolled up newspaper and tell him “No pooping on the constitution”

  4. His lawyers had him sign documents that weren’t needed. He sat in silence while the military did what they always do. Then he was able to not look stupid when the outcome was favorable. I will give him credit for having ther paper close enough to be seen under the bucket, and credit to his advisors that told him not to be a wuss and sign the unnecessary papers.
    I am surprised that that one didn’t fly,at taxpayer expense, to the deck of the Bainbridge for a photo op.

  5. I’m sure Obama’s standing rules of engagement for the SEAL (not the performing artist I assume) sniper’s included, “at all times respect the dignity and the legal rights of these Somalian patriots prior to puddin’ a cap in dey asses”.

  6. Hey…last week I didn’t rob a bank, or murder an innocent by-stander, or assault a defenseless woman or child, or set fire to an occupied building, or sell crack to schoolkids, or produce kiddie pron.

    By this new paradigm does that mean I can get credit for fighting crime?

  7. Well, any credit that he stole from the good work of our Navy Seals quickly went out the door when he, basically, declared that he had ended not just one standoff but all of piracy, then segued into how now that he had solved the piracy problem he had to get back to work destroying the American economy.

  8. No, FormerHostage, if you didn’t do those things and you’re commenting here, you’re a potentially criminal “Right Wing Extremist.”


    Hey, wait a minute. I have PTSD and I’m a minority. Don’t two victim chits trump one unpatriotic dissent?

  9. those navy seals who shot the pirates were trained during the G W Bush administration using money that Ronald Reagan put in the military coffers. Give credit where credit is due

  10. No FormerHostage,

    According to Home Land Security you and your kind in the military who serve our country are rightwing timebombs waitng to use your 2nd Ammendment rights on innocent bystanders. I guess loving your country makes you a threat now a days.

  11. Extremist Militia – Isn’t that redundant?
    Are there any Moderate Militia’s?

    Possibly armed with Nerf guns?

    If Timothy McVey hadn’t been so good at what he did, he might be a college professor today.

  12. Frank J., I give you credit where credit is due; IMAO is an awesome site. To my creditors, I know, I know, my credit payment is due. To O-bah-muhh, your credit with me is doo-doo, your presidency will be repo’ed in 2012, if not sooner.

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