Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

[hat tip: Physics Geek]

Obama did NOT bow to King Abdullah.

A bow is done from the waist.

Obama is bending his knees, so technically it’s a “curtsy”


  1. Wow, the New York Times sure slapped the President…

    Canadians still bow to England’s Queen; so do Australians.

    Americans shake hands.

    If not to stand eye-to-eye with royalty, what else were 1776 and all that about? …

    OOps, my mistake, that was a different President.

    The Times thinks a black President bowing before
    a foreign sovereign is OK??


  2. You know what? After giving that image a second look, I think he was leaning over to pick his ear moniter telling him what to do. Just think, if B.O. would learn to not rely on other people to tell him how he’s supposed to be president this never would have happened. I bet the guy at the other end of the ear piece was screaming “No Barack! No! Don’t lean over! Don’t……… Well we’re screwed.”

  3. I fail to see the humor. Our national sovereignty is being eroded daily. This guy demonstrates daily that he is incompetent. He is not even capable of executing a simple gesture such as a bow, without bastardizing it.
    I think what this actually shows is CONTEMPT! THE Obama refuses to show respect for the customs and laws of our land, but will bend over backwards to garner favorable status among tyrants.
    NRA Patron Life Member
    Dormant U.S.Marine
    Semper Fidelis

  4. He was looking at the king’s shiny leather shoes, hoping he could see a reflection of the king’s junk under his robe, get a preview of what he’s going to be sucking on for the next 4 years.

    BTW if Obama bows to me would that be a Crusty Curtsy?

  5. We didn’t build the most ass-kicking Army in history so our CinC could bow to anybody. Especially someone who would not be in power if he hadn’t been propped up by the US military.

    The humorous part – the Saudis are slave owners.

  6. How many of us are calculating the odds that our country and the free world can survive this jerk?

    (a) Without a major terrorist attack?
    (b) Without a new war in the Middle East triggered by Iran and Syria?
    (c) Without an attack on a US ally?
    (d) Without China attacking Taiwan?
    (e) _________ (you fill it in)

  7. I don’t know –but that picture looks to me as if the king of Arabia just punched THE OBAMA in the gut. For pleasure I would love to see THE OBAMA punched by the king towel head. For the sovereignty of MY country I’d want the towel head drawn&quarterd.

  8. Jimmy you are so right. (as usual)

    Without nationalized healthcare?
    Without a civil war?
    With or Constitutional Rights still intact? (I mean, he practically ignores the Constitution. Interesting for a guy who is a Constitutional Attorrney)

  9. While Arabian courtship rituals are indeed fascinating and filled with forbidden intrigue, I’ll not be concerned until we have video of the dancing, kissing, and grab-assing phase…

  10. Between Hilary saying its our fault that the mexicans have a drug war and the Obomination that is our president, this is just one more slap to our grandfathers stand against the Germans and Japs, and to our country and those you still serve. God Help America!

  11. You are too kind, Pammy. (Are there more like you at home at my age? Wink wink.)

    I was going to make my list longer and also list the domestic side of things. But you hit some of them, especially your second. We’re all counting on the ballot box to actually begin the recovery from this accelerating nightmare. It’s going to be a long battle.

  12. This is so beyond disgusting, it simply can’t be happening. It just can’t…?

    There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home……


    Oh, well, it was worth a shot.

  13. Short of giving him the traditional Democrat Lewinsky, I don’t know how he could have been more subserviant to a two-bit piece of garbage. Over 200 years of developing into the greatest and strongest country in the world…undone in a few months by a little boy who wished to be king.

  14. The way we SHOULD sing the National Anthem at all events it is now used to

    Oh say can you see
    thru the federal debt
    what the people do fear,
    congress’ greedy eyes gleaming
    and they dont really care
    that our pockets are bare
    the truth to our plight,
    is they’re still fuckin there

    Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner mean squat
    To the people we elect
    or liberal left

  15. No, you’ve got it all wrong. What you can’t see is that King Abdullah is holding a mirror with a couple lines of blow. Earkle’s merely bending over with a rolled up $100 bill shoved in his nose to “take a powder”. Things never change.

  16. Pingback: Who Arey They Kidding? Of Course He Bowed! « The Conservative Journal

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