Gay Marriage and Politics

So, just to be clear, Miss America can’t hold American values? Since Miss California stated the majority opinion on gay marriage — an opinion shared by our very smart president — she didn’t win the Miss America crown. The whole thing is kinda fatuous, so there is only so much I can pretend to care… No, I guess there really isn’t a limit to how much I can pretend to care.

This is the greatest injustice ever!

First of all, why did they have Perez Hilton as a judge? The guy is super gay. He thinks women are icky. How is he going to judge a pageant? That’s like making a deaf man as an American Idol judge — something nearly as ridiculous as making Paula Abdul a judge.

Second of all… I guess I didn’t have a lot of points on this. It’s just weird we’ve been hearing more about how Republicans should come out for gay marriage lately. I’m not sure how that’s smart.

Phase 1: Support position unpopular with a majority of Americans and especially unpopular with own base.
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit!

I’m open to a libertarian arguments on the issue, but politically it’s stupid. Even Guiliani has conveniently decided to be against gay marriage to help him win in the state of New York. New York, people. And sometimes the politically smart thing to do causes Perez Hilton to throw a hissy fit. That’s just how the world is.


  1. I have no Idea what you are talking about here. I don’t know who Perez Hilton is and I can’t tell miss America from miss USA. Are they still doing those things?

    Do we care what vapid opinions the contestants in a beauty contest hold as long as they are smokin hot?

    Is it hypocritical to expect the participants of what amounts to be a best girl contest, hold politically correct opinions?

  2. I propose to alter #1’s definition to read like this:

    “The libertarian position is that marriage is a strictly civil/religious tradition in which the Federal government has no stake, consistent with the the 10th Amendment.”

  3. Personally, I’m all in favor of Whirled Peas, just don’t shove it down my throat. Marriage: one man and one woman united for life; anything less isn’t really marriage,including hetro-unions that fall short of that. ‘Beauty Pageants’ have been PC for so long that no one expects anything but PC answers to PC questions. Let them ‘die’ their inevitable ‘death’, they have jumped the shark. Too bad that shark turned out to be ‘gay’.

  4. Frank, Frank, Frank. You need to get with the times, boy. Gays are enlightened, superior creatures and need to be consulted on every decision, large and small. Soon we can expect a government agency for Gay Decisions. Maybe even a cabinet post. So of course they had a gay judge at the Miss America Pageant. What did you expect? Fred Thompson?

  5. David Souter, enlightened, Supreme Court Creature that is consulted on every decision large and small that reaches the Supreme Court.He is the Perez Hilton(who?) of the ‘Supreme Court’.

  6. I am surprised that a lightning bolt shot out of the arse of William Wallace himself did not strike down that biotch for stating her opinion! Shame on her for having the moxie to staate her honest opinion. This is just the thing we expect from the right wing radicals who try to force their morals on us!

  7. yep. Gov’t has no place defining marriage at all, or treating anybody different for any other reason, for that matter. You want to tax income? Wrong, but fine. At least do it fair. A flat percent, everybody pays. Or don’t. Tax sales. Or toes. I don’t really care what the mechanism is, as long as you don’t pick and choose. Personally, if you can’t get by the way the founders did, I guess a sales tax makes the most sense.

  8. Perez Hilton is a walking three dollar bill who is happiest when he has some guys penis firmly imbedded in his rectum or mouth. He is living proof that homo’s hate women. Yet I can’t find a lot of sympathy in my heart for Miss California. She comes from one of the most politically correct leftist states in the union and therefore should have known what telling the truth about her actual feelings would cost her dearly. Her best bet would have been to just tell the little faggot what he wanted to hear and press on from there. After all once you win the crown you can always refute your statements….just like politicians do once they’re elected.

  9. So, let me see if I’ve got this straight: The Christian girl who believes in marriage and family values is evil, but the hateful queen that has accomplished nothing in life, unless you count stealing pictures from websites, drawing semen and penises on the mouths of the people in the pictures and posting them on his own website captioned with hateful comments is who’s opinion we’re worried about? Umm…okay.

  10. Evil? No Son of Bob she’s not evil. The evil one here is Hilton (funny how people with that last name all seem to be douche bags and/or assholes). Her mistake was in being truthful in this day and age of leftist political correctness and mandatory conformity to leftist orthodoxy. My point is….being from California she should have known speaking the truth would be a mistake.

  11. I agree, government has no business in marriage. Period.
    Churches don’t pay taxes because they are non-profits. Everything they make goes solidly back to the institution in some way shape or form. Their employees do pay taxes like everyone else does. If you won the lottery and gave every single dime away, should you still be taxed on the money you don’t have? It’s the same principle.

  12. Perez Hilton on his blog later said she “didn’t loose because she opposed gay marriage, but because she’s a (shouting) stupid b**ch”. So he is “insulted” because she says “America is wonderful because you can marry whoever you want, but I believe”… Yet he’s the tolerant one for calling her a stupid b**ch…. He’s also pretty much admitting he blackballed her, so to speak.

    Sweet mother of crap, could someone please start making anal beads that explode and sell them in whatever shops he and his friends frequent? Or import them from China, whatever kills them faster.

    Funny also that the liberals who shout, “keep your rosaries off our ovaries!” want to force the courts to redefine a holy sacrament. I think, “Keep your glory holes off our nuptials!” would be an appropriate response.

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