Gore Invented the Internet, But Obama Invented Using It

No wonder tea parties are anti-CNN:

Conservatives borrowed a page from President Obama’s Web-savvy style to promote the [tea party] gatherings on videos and blogs.

IMAO: Borrowing pages from Obama since 2002.


  1. If only the Somali privateers were as Web-savvy( a pirate word ) as the Effete Pirate O-bah-muhh. They could have run for U. S. President and won,no citizenship necessary, no experience necessary( though a strong background in piracy is recommended ). We’d probably be better off, I hear privateers only deal in gold dubloons.( Got this last factoid from Al Gore’s internet, so it must be true. )

  2. Anti-CNN? If I had to deal with that yapping yenta reporter, with her moronic questioning, hostility, and REALLY bad hair-doo…I would have had a major artery pop in my head. What a flapping idiot! I give the crowd credit for their admirable restraint…I’m surprised they didn’t beat her to death with her mike and Lewie Vit-TAHN pocketbook.

    And how about the sneering, nasty ‘teabag’ jokes from our friend Coop Anderson and others on NBC? I mean, we know the Coop has personal experience with this phenomenoh with his own boyfriend….but though I should have known better, I was still surprised by the venom and vitriol. What a dreadful, low class performance by NBC and MSNBC yesterday.

    Anybody want to join me in a boycott of all GE products? Good Lord, what has happened to that company? I usded to admire them…and now GE represents the very worst in American corporate welfare. I am disgusted by their deliberate, cloying efforts to get in bed with Obama and the government… Immalt has big plans for our stimulus and porkulus dollars. No More GE lightbulbs, appliances, or (for those so inclined) $250 Million Gas turbine power plants in our homes!! Boycott GE! Bastits! ARGGHHHH!!! My head is gonna pop!

  3. The Commie News Network just plain sucks! We all know that. I want to know how Obama could even use the internet since he hasn’t mastered the use of buckets yet. He keeps getting them stuck on his head. And as for Al Gore if he’d shut up he could end global warming all by himself. We all know that global warming is the only thing old Al ever invented. And don’t get me started on what I think of the Marxist Socialist Nationlist Boardcast Company…….

  4. Every convention, sporting event, concert, and anything else you buy tickets on the intertubes for owe a debt to Teh One. He invented adveritising on the web right after algore inveted the web. Hey, may be that’s where all those Nigerian scams got started.

  5. Cactusod, I haven’t bought anything ge for a long time. I do not have it in my house my car or anywhere else I have control.
    As far as that one , and that fat sob gore, they are like children who constantly call for mommy to look at them. gore is irrelevant, and his global warming hoax is being exposed daily. the sorry excuse for a human we have in the White House now will disappear as soon as george soros feels he has gotten everything from him he needs. I find that I treat democrats, commies, markists, and other leftists types the same, like the rat turds they are. May not be helpful, but makes me “feel” better.

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