I Deserve Two Votes

Do you know how much money I pay for this site? It’s self-employment, and apparently the government hates self-employment because I get taxed superhard for all the money this site brought in. Despite having a ton withheld, I had to write a giant check to the federal government for thousands of dollars and it sucks. And what do I get for being a good citizen like this? Nothing. Just like when I paid off my entire mortgage despite my house selling for less than the mortgage — I got nothing. My vote still counts as much as some deadbeat who defaults on his loans and ends up costing everybody. I’m a good citizen who plays by the rules; I should get two votes — at least. When you guys have that Tea Party thing, bring up how I should get two votes to make things fair.

Oh yeah; we got that “one man one vote” thing. Oh, I know. I can still get only one vote but my vote is worth more. That way, we’re not violating that rule. Also, we can not let women vote.


  1. Great post, Frank. Tell me how you will vote, and I will vote with you. In that way, your vote will count twice.

    And of course we won’t let women vote. Who said we should? What a preposterous idea that would be.

    BTW, sharks are noble predators. The rest in the list feed off their more worthy host organisms, and should be eradicated.

  2. For you, the misses, and Idaho Spud:

    And on facebook:

    I won’t personaly be there wednesday since I have a job. I may show up later to check it out on my work approved lunch break. Always love a good protest, and since I work downtown I see a lot of them. I hope this doesn’t have a bunch of useless rambling like the Anti war protests usualy are. My right hand aches during rain storms now from punching sooo many hippies.

  3. I don’t think my dear hubby would be able to vote without me. I do all the research and then tell him who to vote for. And since my research doesn’t consist of reading US and People, I actually know the issues. In gratitude for not having to actually have to watch any presidential debates or watch/read any speeches, he lets me vote too.
    He did watch the vice-presidential debate with me when Sarah Palin caught his eye for some reason. He asked me “Is that guy (Biden) always such and idiot or does he sound like that just because he is standing by her?”

  4. i’m with you dude on that whole taxation thing – just submitted our taxes and two hefty checks ’cause I was a consultant last year. Responsibility sucks. I’m thinking of becoming completely irresponsible so taxpayers can nanny me for life…or not. sigh. mewl.

  5. The key function of Congress is to control the expenditure of money. All of Congress’s money comes from taxpayers. Those who do not pay tax should not have the ability to vote on how other people’s money is spent. Only taxpayers should vote in any Congressional race. Problem solved.

  6. As a refined and sophisticated lady, I am a bit uncomfortable with Frank’s idea of not letting us vote. I do understand the theory (even Ann Coulter made the same statement) So if I understand WHY you would want women not to vote, can I have three votes?

  7. Frank, you are not alone.

    The polling data always shows break-downs like race, sex and religion. Those variations are for a different era.

    In the future, the poll breakdowns should show:

    1.) Are you employed?
    2.) Do you pay income tax?
    3.) Do you pay property tax?
    4.) Are you on time on all of your debt repayments?

    It is my suspision that Obama’s stregnth is in folks who answer “no” to one or more of the above questions.

  8. “Conservative Babes Packing Heat” – NunyaB

    When I first read that, the phrase “Packing Heat” instantly became “In Heat” and I got all red faced and such. Here, let me show you:

    Conservative Babes In Heat


  9. Jimmy, Sounds like my kind of “Documentary”. Certainly gives new meaning, apropos to the original topic, to the phrase “working the polls.” I’m now going to Hell for that, huh?

  10. I get two votes, mine, and my wife’s. We’re the opposite of #7Lily and hubby. My wife worries about balancing the checkbook, and I worry about commie-libs,globalists,jihadists,neo-pagans,pink triangle people,secular inhumanists,moonbats(good reason to nuke the moon!),libtards,O-bah-muhh-nuts(ACORN),etc.,etc., etc. Given all I have to worry about, I need MORE than 2 votes. So let it be written,so let it be done.

  11. Let people sell their votes on Ebay, or stand outside the polling places on election day like ticket scalpers.
    You haggle over the price, reach an agreement, and they sell you their voter’s registration card and give you a receipt.
    You show your handfull of registration cards and receipts to the poll workers, and they give you an equal number of ballots to fill out.
    Rich folks get more votes than poor folks, and people who don’t care enough to vote get some walkin’ around money.
    I don’t see a down side.

  12. Women’s suffrage is an unmitigated disaster, that has handed liberals countless elections. I love women, but most women are emotional beings, and that makes them susceptible to liberal/marxist nonsense. If the world would just make me supreme dictator, it would be a happier more peaceful place.

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