I Hope He Fails

When Obama drives this and tries to convince people he’s not gay, I hope he fails.


  1. I think it looks more like a Puma.
    What in Sam Hell is a Puma?
    Uh…you mean like the shoe company?
    No it’s a big cat, like a lion.
    You’re making that up.
    I’m telling you, it’s a real animal!
    Simmons, I want you to poison Grif’s next meal.
    Yes, sir!
    Look, see these two tail hooks? They look like tusks and what kind of animal has tusks?
    A walrus.
    Didn’t I just tell you to stop making up animals?!

  2. It would only make Barny appear straight if he was standing next to a guy ridding it, not if he was driving it himself. If Barny was driving the thing, all of San Fransisco would appear normal. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  3. I really don’t see how that’s going to alieve traffic congestion. If anything, it’ll cause MORE congestion with all the PUMAs in the middle of the road that have been flattened by all the gas-guzzling SUVs. But hey, if a PUMA is what it’ll take to thin the herd…

  4. WoW! the commentors are red-hot this morning! I would single one out, but they’re all so dang funny! I nearly “snorked” when I read #5, and #6 almost got me noticed in the office. Then Master Shake topped it off…

  5. Ok ok I’d be ok with this gay little wheel chair like car thing if only Obama, the Obot voter’s, and the commie pinko hippe socialist liberal congress are forced to drive it. We take all there real cars force them to drive this uh um thing. The rest of us normal people would have lots more fuel to use. Plus we could run over them with our real cars. That would be a real win/win. Plus I bet some hippe commie pinko socialist liberal will say it cuts global warming in half. But we all know the global warming is a sham.

  6. Dittos to aA, and I’m insanely jealous that Master Shake beat me in posting his at #8 – and said it a lot better than I would have. I bow to your superior wisdom, Master Shake!

    HSAT, after all the drama from the primaries, I seriously down that the Prezznit would put his life in the hands of anything called a PUMA. But on the other hand, I suspect Hillary will be in command of untold millions of them…

  7. I’m not a huge fan of this Puma thing. Extremely gay. I do hear, however, that those Cougars are right up my alley. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to take a quick look at that comic book drawing of Palin again. BRB.

  8. DesertElephant: how old does a woman have to be to be considered a Cougar? ( I’m going shopping later and I need to know if I should start buying animal prints and push up bras)

    Anywho….do these fools think everyone lives in the city? I suppose if you lived downtown and worked downtown, this thing might make parking a bit easier…but where the hell would I put my kids, the soccer equipment, the groceries and those animal print leggings I plan to buy this afternoon?

    I think I’ve figured it out: conservatism=practicality

  9. It’s hard not to look gay when you are and these trolls don’t have to drive a puma to prove it. Do a search on Larry Sinclair/Obama. Why is he tooling around with Rahm pirouette and Geithner? The entire crowd wears pink shoelaces. Someone needs to write a novel on the seduction of a government and call it “One Flew Over The Cuckolds Nest”.

  10. A few questions:

    -Where do you put the four wheeler (or gravel or feed or lumber or livestock)?
    -Where do you hang the scatter gun?
    -Do you get castrated when you pay for one or after it is delivered?
    -How did this stack up against a four-year-old-girl-powered Big Wheel in acceleration tests?
    -Can you tell me again why GM is having a difficult time selling cars?

  11. I saw on the spec sheet that the whole thing only weighs 300 lbs. So when I see one waiting at a red light, I think I’ll just tip it over. Kinda like how a mean little kid flips a turtle on its back and laughs at its struggle to right itself.

    Little wheels spinning impotently in the air, while geeky fan of homoerotic Star Trek fan-fiction PUMA driver cries inside and tries to call for help.

    This will be fun!

  12. PammyV,

    The answer is 40. That’s the official number. If you combine animal prints with a bustier or corset, you get bonus Cougar point.

    And the Puma is still INCREDIBLY gay.

  13. Couple of million of these in NY City, what could go wrong? Plus sides are not having to get out (off?) of your Puma to slap fight with the jerk who cut you off and watching the masses find their ride home after shopping at the mall.

  14. 22Gun Nut, Didn’t you see the ‘fuzzy dice’ hanging from the rearview mirror? What? No rearview mirror? Castrations for all that thunk up this O-bah-muhhnation! Bawny Fwank demands REARview mirrors,Rawm says “Me too!Me too!” This had to be thunk up by someone that drives a POWDER BLUE PRIUS.

  15. #24- My 6’3 hubby weighs in at about 300. Does he have to by law lose weight when these b/tards become mandatory? Look, I drive an Escalade because I live in ATL, and have no desire to be up under a semi’s wheels. The only way I am driving one of these gaygreeniemobiles, is if they put a gun to my head. Plus, how in the world are you supposed to haul groceries in one of these? Some of us don’t run down to the market, or the Whole Foods everyday with some stupid little cloth bags to buy 10 items from the store. When I go shopping I can fill the rear of the Escalade or my hubby’s full-sized Hummer. About 35 plastic bags. BWAHAHAHAHA!

    On the cougar topic, I am 43, so I guess I now qualify for cougar status. I have the push up bras, but no leopard prints or bustiers. I guess I will have to head shopping, too. I will also throw in a couple of pairs of 4 inch stilletos to go with the bustier. I wouldn’t want to be left out.

  16. The Puma is a sort of Motorcycle turned sideways (and neutered).
    When I go riding on the weekend with my club we ride in convoy for mutual protection (and because it looks cool).
    Motorists show our formation respect (we’re all law-abiding citizens, but we Do wear a lot of black leather) and 20 bikers are a lot easier to notice than 1 biker alone.
    I can see Puma riders banding togeather and driving 2 abreast and a block long like a motorized centipede wherever they go.
    As each rider reaches his or her destination they could peal off and the riders behind pull up to close the formation – new riders joining the convoy from the rear.
    (gayness unintentional).
    I always hated public transportation because of the required sacrifice of personal space – you never know who’s going to sit or stand next to you.
    In a Puma you’d be able to maintain personal boundaries while still driving close enough togeather to chat, exchange recipes, photos of the grandkids, etc.
    If they link togeather electronically, you wouldn’t even have to steer to stay in formation.
    Like Mr. Garrison’s It vehicle, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than surrendering totally to public transport.
    For those doomed to toil and live in some inner-city termite mound, it might make a sad sort of sense. (But how are they going to get it into their apartments? You wouldn’t dare leave it unattended on the street.)

    Now if they can make one with a studded leather saddle, buddy seat, saddlebags and a 1200cc V-twin engine – they might get my interest.

  17. Here is the antidote – http://biodieselmagazine.com/article.jsp?article_id=1710

    “While the majority of his projects have focused on biodiesel, (Johnathan) Goodwin has developed an H1 Hummer that is completely computer controlled and can run on several different fuels, including propane, natural gas, ethanol and hydrogen. Once the dust settles, Goodwin plans to begin work on a specialized vehicle for himself—a bioelectric H3 Hummer. His design will feature a four-cylinder biodiesel-powered Isuzu motor, which already gets 50 mpg, that will power the batteries for the vehicle’s electric motor. The electric motors have 2,000 pounds of torque that can propel the car from zero to 60 miles per hour in under five seconds, he says.”

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