I Hope He Fails

When Obama tries to talk like a pirate, I hope he fails.


  1. After reviewin’ t’ crisis in t’ indian ocean me has consulted with me lovely buxom beauty t’ first wench. She says t’ me what t’ hell do them white mothers expectn’ of you anyway? Us bled and slaved un been robbed o’ our dignity all this time and we’s supposed to stop what we be doin’ over a few gentlemen o’ fortune who be tryin’ t’ earn an honest buck?

    We be not a bunch o’ squiffys see here. Yo ho ho ye scurvy dogs. If we was t’ do somethin’ would be to cut your own lily-livered black heart out of ye scallywag body and feed it t’ t’ fishes.

    Now if you was t’ have a booty for me full o’doubloons we may have a thin’ t’ parley for. I be thinkin’ some candy for t’ nose as well if you get me drift. But never forget me bucko I bow t’ no one exceptin’ a Muslim who be me leader and who bends me over to make me into a lass.

    I have said all I be goin’ t’ say for t’ matter. T’ captain can go t’ Davy Jones’ Locker for all me care and t’ corsairs be a goin’ t’ fiddlers green. Me be done with it now. It be time t’ have pizza!

  2. A pirate steals the property of others in an aggressive attack. That pretty much describes the day-to-day operations of the entire Obama administration. So, actually, Obama would feel right at home with these guys.

  3. Barak L’Effete will send Jacque, the Surrender Monkey to parley( French word, figures…)terms. Mistress Hillary will suggest paying off the Warlords of Somalia ( It worked for Captain Stabbin’ Bill Clinton). Back on topic , when O-bah-muhh trie to talk like a man (“Take you stinking paws off me,you damned dirty ape!”), I hope he fails.

  4. It is seriously past time to do something about Somali pirates. Whether the captain lives or dies, hoisting the with their own petards, drawing and quartering not to mention, running then through with a pig blood soaked rusty cutlass sound about right. Whatever we do it should be seriously horrific thus providing the impetus for them to never do it again.

    But then again I am descended from folks who painted themselves blue and went screaming into battle in an almost trancelike state, so I’m usually a little over the top. Still I’m thinking it’s past time.

  5. But then again I am descended from folks who painted themselves blue and went screaming into battle in an almost trancelike state” -Celtic Warrioress

    Ummm, okay, I’d watch that. 😉

  6. 32 years ago you’d probably have gotten a good show, now it’s something akin to a bad B horror flick. The Wreck of the Hesperus or Is Gravity Getting You Down would be good titles, others come to mind but they aren’t PG rated.

    (the spouse and I are celebrating 32 years of marriage=seems like only yesterday he was a tall skinny sailor and I was a winsome, slender sailors wife. Ah how time flies when you’re having fun.)

  7. Maybe it’s the “winsome, slender sailor’s wife” image that comes through here – or the female warrior thing. You know what they say about Celts, seanmahair – you definitely don’t want to make them angry. The good thing is that when it’s over and if you’re still alive, they forgive easily.

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