IMAO’s President of the Day: Barack Obama

For ordering a successful military attack against the Somali pirates which freed the captain and killed stupid pirates, I am awarding Barack Obama IMAO’s coveted “President of the Day” award. Good job, Barack Obama!

BTW, here’s a partial transcript of Obama making the decision:

GATES: Sir, we think we’ve found a peaceful solution to the pirate problem.

OBAMA: Unacceptable! I demand the seas be stained with pirate blood!



He’s so awesome!


  1. Continuing Frank’s transcript…

    GATES: “But Mr. President, we don’t have an exit strategy!”

    OBAMA: “I don’t care. This makes me a ‘patriot.’ Conservatives will love me. Like that Frank J blogger that’s on your questionables list.”

    GATES: “Uhh, what does the ‘J’ stand for?”

    OBAMA: “How the hell do I know? Jambalaya?”

    GATES: “I’m hungry. Let’s do lunch.”

    OBAMA: “I ordered special pirate jambalaya this morning.”

    GATES: “That’s just lame, Mr. President. You’re bad.”

  2. If they can get SEALs anywhere in 24 hours, why wasn’t that lifeboat stormed by half a dozen armed frogmen a day or two ago? Paraphrasing Will Rogers, Americans can’t go to a negotiating table and keep their shirts. Why negotiate with pirates? Paying ransoms encourages more piracy. Staining the waters with their blood DIScourages them. NO NEGOTIATIONS WITH PIRATES. ONLY BULLETS. (and hugs)

  3. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe O’vomit had the guts to make that decision. It’s not in his make up.

    Now Michele……….that I believe. I think she probably could have taken them out with her lazer vision eyes. All the way from Washington.

    No matter who decided I’m glad it’s over, disappointed that here was no “hoisting or quartering” but you can’t have everything.

  4. He probably issued rules of engagement that allowed the SEAL team to fire if the captain was at immediate risk of harm and they could get all the Pirates at once, expecting the ROE to not be met.

    The local commander then stretched the “immediate risk” clause to the breaking point and fired the first time they could get all the pirates on the raft.

    Kudos are due to the administration for not tying the hands of the navy, but the real credit goes to the commander on the scene and his team.

  5. It’s quite possible that it should have happened earlier, but it’s also possible that there are things that we don’t know about this. I’m applauding. If we all applaud, maybe we’ll do more of this and do it quicker.

  6. The pirates were in the wrong, and they were punished. Did it mean they had to be killed?
    Not saying that.
    The punishment has to fit the crime. Luckily in the military that rule still holds true. Once the pirates made it look like they were going to kill the Captain, they were taken care of…
    We talked to them, we played nice…and with some people that works, others it does not.

    Now we already have people upset because we made the other pirates mad. Now they are going to kill Americans next time they capture them.
    To the common liberal, now their behavior is our fault.
    They don’t think about the fact the pirates are doing something wrong, that they are the ones killing innocent people or capturing ships.
    Nope, blame the big bad USA.
    Its a stark contrast between common sense and liberalism.
    Same happens everywhere.
    Liberal thought:
    “We have to understand why terrorist hate us”

    Lets see how the comments go the next few days.
    Will liberals be happy the right thing is done, and call for the end of the pirate behavior all together, or will we get them being who they are: Blaming America first and want to know why the pirates do what they do. It doesn’t matter if what the pirates do is wrong, just that it is our fault.

  7. The fact that they sent a team to negotiate a peaceful release of the ship’s captain with a non recognized entity know only as “elders” shows a self imposed weakness brought on a retarded liberal Ideology that you can talk any issues out with even the lowest of scum.

    Get ready people. This will be the way of things for the next couple of years. Look at the deplorable response to North Korea. It’s take 8 days for the UN to get a half cocked response to the launch and it still hasn’t been ratified. I can’t expect The Obama Administration to actually say anything, since Conversation and looking weak is a better alternative to taking an actual stand.

    Anybody else see a frightening resemblance to when Flavius Aetius was trying to raise an army to protect the Roman Empire from Attila the Hun, but couldn’t because the politicians wanted to argue for months over the correct way to deal with the problem while the Italian peninsula was being sacked?

  8. Gates: Shpould we send in the seals, sir?

    That guy in the pimp outfit: Oooh seals, that will make the pirates happy if we treat them to the circus!

    Gates: *grasping forehead* The Navy Seals sir.

    That guy in the pimp outfit: Whatever! Do what you want, Look at my new puppy.

    Seal commander: Take ’em out men! Let’s have a beer!

  9. I just suggest Hillary was behind this.
    “Hey, bHo, this is dropping your pole numbers. We gotta do something. ”
    “Give them unicorns, your Thighness?”
    “No, try busting an aspirin factory. It helped Bill.”
    “They don’t have one. Ask Buck the Marine for a target.”
    “Hey Buck, Hillary here. Bust an aspirin factory or something.”

  10. Scenario Two: Obama steps to podium/teleprompters after captain killed during attempted rescue.

    OBAMA: It is unfortunate that the…uhhh…military commanders decided to take this action. We…uh…are convinced that a peaceful solution could have been reached had negotiations be allowed to…uhh…continue, and the negotiators been allowed…uhh…to do their jobs.

    LONE REAL REPORTER ACCIDENTALLY ALLOWED INTO ROOM: But, the military is reporting that you authorized the use of force, Mr. President.

    OBAMA: No, what I agreed to was…uhh…I agreed in theory that if…uhh…the situation became such that…uhhh…force was the only remaining option…uhh…that the military should proceed accordingly. However…uhh…and I told the military commanders that I…uhh…could not stress this strongly enough. I…uhh…believe that there was a real opportunity for diplomacy to win the day…uhh…and that the negotiations should have been given the time necessary to be successful. Uhh…and so we will be awaiting the outcome of the congressional hearings to determine if, in fact,…uhh…where our officers made mistakes and how the process can be corrected so that this type of…uhh…aggregious action never happens again. Obviously,…uhh…we are saddened for the family of this brave captain, that the arrogant and…uhh…over-aggressive actions of some in our military have caused such a disappointing…uhh…and unnecessary…uhh…outcome to this situation.

  11. Reporter at joe biden press conference: Who are you?

    gaffe-a-day: I am the vice president

    Reporter: Of what?

    joey-eating-waffle: Of the U.S.

    Reporter: Oh.

    joey-peeking out of pouch-biden: When George Washing sent in the seals to quell pirates, they were just as successful. He later said on television what a wonderful organization the seals were.

    Reporter: George Washington was on television? Can I quote that one on that. My leg is tingling.

    biden: We inherited this piracy from Bush, we will rid the world of Americans, I mean pirates.

  12. Amen to Brian the Adequate, cudos to Son of Bob for explaining ‘the rest of the story’. Allowing deadly force isn’t the same as ordering deadly force, O-bah-muhh has plausible deniability if things went wrong(for us). Someone untie Frank,he’s going to be ticked when he finds out somone impersonated him.

  13. THE OBAMA has to take the good with the bad, for so long now THE OBAMA has been blaming Bush for everything that happens , so I think it only fair that George W get credit for saving the captain.

  14. Anybody else think it was really strange that Hussein had to sign two orders allowing military response? To be honest, I thought deadly force against pirates caught in the act of piracy was the legal duty of every country’s Navy. US Navy Ships get Rules Of Engagement (ROE) orders before they are deployed, that allow them to kill bad guys threatening American citizens regardless of whether Hussein signs anything. I don’t get why his signing anything is a story. The story is the ship, the Seals, the hostages.

    I heard Mark Levin discussing it on my way home from work. His analysis was much more coherent than my rant.

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