In Obama America…

…the president hopes for failure of YOU!


  1. In O-bah-muhh America…. guns won’t kill people, government ‘healthcare’ will. In o-bah-muhh America…. Michelle’s the boss. In O-bah-muhh America…. the new flag on his lapel has a white crescent moon with one tilted five point star cradled within it, on a commie red back ground. In O-bah-muhh America…. stray buckets are outlawed. In O-bah-muhh America…. there are no ‘victory gardens’, only surrender monkey gardens. In O-bah-muhh America…. the re-education camps are continually refilled, those that fail to be re-educated are recycled into Soylant Green.

  2. In O-bah-muhh America…. the pot no longer calls the kettle black, that would be raaaaacist. In O-bah-muhh America…. the foxes will watch the henhouse for Mr. Farmer. In O-bah-muhh America…. the inmates will run the asylum. In O-bah-muhh America…. 2 wolves and 1 sheep will decide ‘what’s for dinner’. In O-bah-muhh America…. Adam and Steve-ery becomes the law of the land. In O-bah-muhh America…. the government pays ‘volunteers’ ‘to serve mankind’ ( It’s a cookbook!!!!) In O-bah-muhh America…. he pisses on the Constitution, and the Industrial Media Complex tells us it’s raining. In O-bah-muhh America…. the double standard is codified into law. In O-bah-muhh America…. Ol’ Br’er Rabbit gets sent to jail for punching the tarbaby( that’s raaaaacist ).

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