
I wish there was some way we could have seen this coming.


  1. I’m probably a bit more upset about Daphne dying, either because I missed the first five minutes of House, or because Heroes has far fewer good characters than House lately. Still, at least Daphne lives in a universe where FRICKING ANYONE can get resurrected by getting a blood transfusion or just by having a new made-up history where they’ve suddenly had an identical triplet all along or by the writers deciding to do a bunch of episodes about what happened a year ago, whereas Kutner’s gone for good, at least until the next mindscrew episode.

    Heroes needs to stop treating their characters like tissues. With Kutner, it feels like a real life senseless tragedy; with Daphne, it feels like “Darn it, you idiots, why are you killing off good characters?” And because of that, Kutner’s death feels more satisfying in an unsettling way. Oh, and now Angela apparently has a Saddam-style mass grave in a wild west ghost town or something. It’s getting really ridiculous now.

    Of course, I’m sure everyone here watches 24 in that timeslot. I would too if I had been watching it from the beginning, but I don’t have the time to get up to speed with it. I’ll buy the DVDs someday.

  2. If they’re gonna kill somebody they should kill… That baldy guy that cheated on his wife. And the new chick. Really Kumar is the only one of that lot I don’t hate. I want Chase and Cameron back. But keep Kumar.

  3. If only I had made it over to his apartment to see his Star Wars collection…He’d ask almost every week when I was coming over, but I was always too busy playing World of Warcraft or dancing with my wife.

    If only I knew then that he was desperately reaching out to me, I could have saved him. I knew that he was an Obama supporter, but I still sensed some good in him…..

  4. > I wish there was some way we could have seen this coming.

    Last week’s trailer showed: House, “Every Season,” Cuddy, Cameron, Mrs. Meat Loaf crying, “An episode comes along,” House, Kutner running, Wilson & House, “That is beyond words,” Meat Loaf kissing Mrs. Meat Loaf’s hand, 13 running, Foreman, “This is that episode,” House, Taub crying, Foreman and 13’s hands, 13 (“Oh God”).

    But no Chase. Plus, not all the scenes in the trailer were from last night’s show.

    They cheated.

    I’m telling.

  5. With references to Heroes, and Frank J. wishing we could have seen this coming,just persuade Hiro Nakamura to teleport thru time and space to ruin the plots of all other TV shows. All Heroes all the time. Killing off characters might explain America’s acceptance of death as the solution for every problem. Pregnant? Kill it. Old? Kill it.Going to help the O-bah-muhh administration? Kill him. (Note to Big Brutha: this was not a threat on the president’s life.)

  6. Save the intern, save the world!

    Then again, ol’ Kumar was an ancillary baddie on 24 last season. It’s ACCCCHHHHHHHmed, remember? Maybe Jack Bauer snuck onto House and shot him? And can’t we involve Bones in this somehow? Can’t hurt to toss Emily Deschanel in the mix.

  7. The Kutner thing was a kick to the pills. I liked the Character, but knew Kal Penn was a Jug Ear blowing tosspot. The Character will be missed, but it is my with that is was actually because the Actor has performed a VERY late term self-abortion.

  8. There’s only one explanation. Somehow Jack Bauer got wind of Kutner’s secret efforts to de-stabilize our health-care system. Just before he started another frenetic hour of bombs and mayhem, Jack slipped into the earlier time slot, broke into Kutner’s apartment, back-handed him with a disdainful sneer, and capped him one.

    I’m just surprised House didin’t figure it out yet.

  9. I don’t watch House, so I really didn’t care. An actor in stoner films going to the white house to work for Obama? Gee, there’s a shock. I guess Cheech and Chong were busy.

    I’m more upset over the meaningless bloodbath of major characters on Terminator lately. They’re starting to make Paul Verhoven movies look like Citizen Kane in the whole “We have three seconds to fill in here – let’s kill a major character” vibe. This is why we wanted to pimp-slap the writers of Serenity, people!!! If the show’s over, why kill major characters meaninglessly?!?!?!

  10. You know, it sort of makes sense – he’s a stoner movie actor, and Obama’s online forum was taken over by his stoner supporters pushing for legalized pot. I guess if you want to communicate with your base, he’s the man.

    If we find out he has tax problems as well, we’ll have more continuity than hollywood could ever generate.

  11. cactusod says:

    There’s only one explanation. Somehow Jack Bauer got wind of Kutner’s secret efforts to de-stabilize our health-care system. Just before he started another frenetic hour of bombs and mayhem, Jack slipped into the earlier time slot, broke into Kutner’s apartment, back-handed him with a disdainful sneer, and capped him one.

    I’m just surprised House didin’t figure it out yet.

    Couldn’t have said it better… best explanation yet.

    I’m just glad they got their nonsense over quickly and didn’t drag Penn’s “exit” out for several episodes. I hope they stop talking about it soon too… but I liked last night’s episode, despite that…

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