Magazine doctored pix of Obama

CNN reports that a magazine recently doctored some pictures of the president:

Washingtonian Magazine changed the color of the president’s shorts and made a few other touch-ups, but media critic Howard Kurtz calls the small adjustments “unethical.”

“While the alternations of this picture might seem to some people to be kind of minor, it is absolutely unethical,” he said.

Our crack research team has found the original pictures. And, sure enough, the color of the president’s shorts was changed. As were “a few other touch-ups.”

Here’s the picture that Washingtonian Magazine published:

Here’s the original:

I can see why they made the edits they made.


  1. I’ve been saying it all along but no one listens. The mulatto mendacity is HALF whitie. He only ‘looks’ black because of the make-up they put on his face and hands. Oh, and ok, his blue lips.

  2. Let’s see whether I understand: Changing the color of the shorts that the President is wearing is unethical. Referring to anti-porkulus demonstrations by working, tax-paying Americans as “teabagging” is just fine. Sounds right to me.

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