Muslim Pirate Sayings

“Arr! We’ll be sending ye to Davey Jones’s (pbuh) locker!”

“Aye, what a buxom wench… or at least I assume so under the burqa.”

“Sixteen men on a dead man’s chest,
Yo ho ho and Allah Akbar!”

“Arr! Keelhaul him! He drew a depiction of Muhammad!”

“They call me Taliban-Approved Beard the Pirate, and none be more feared on the seven seas!”

“Arr! Praise Allah for the weather, and scan the horizon for ninjas and Navy Seals!”

“Miss Swann, there be no ‘parlay’ in Sharia law.”


  1. Pingback: Steynian 345 « Free Canuckistan!

  2. “For too long I’ve been parched for some rum, but unable to quench it. Too long I’ve been starving for pork,but unable to eat it. For too long I’ve had only the ship’s boy to keep me warm! Remind me again why we’re ‘privates’, men.”

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