
Just so you know, Basil, one of the pseudonyms I write under, was hit by a tornado. He’s okay, and everyone in Oz has been very nice to him (though his application to the Lollipop Guild is still under review).


  1. Ah Tornadoes. I live in Oklahoma so the threat is constant, but curiously, I’ve never actually met anyone who’s been hit, I was starting to think they were a myth.

    Wishing you well Basil.

  2. Basil, I hope you didn’t view losing your home as an excuse to miss work. After all there are millions of lazy good for nothing anti-Americans on welfare depending on you.

  3. 14# DesertElephant says:
    April 13th, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    Must have been Hitlery, because it was the Wicked Witch of the East that got taken down first in the film.

    I thought it was Wicked Witch of the West, which of course would be Nazi Pellosi.

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