
We’ve almost tracked down this “Ed” person who keeps hacking into the site and editing comments. We hope to have this long nightmare behind us soon. Thanks for bearing with us.


  1. I, for one, hope to hear how you dispose of this “Ed” person, Frank. Who does he think he is? Deal with him swiftly and severely, that’s what I would do. Water boarding, growling dogs, sleep deprivation, forced watching of reruns of Hawaii Five-O (24/7) and Rosie, and other standard US torture methods should apply.

  2. Ed. is all-powerful! He controls the internets, the TV stations, newspapers, the thermostats for 76% of the households in America, and the price of ketchup in every supermarket in the country! Ed. is who decides how many peanuts are in a Snickers bar and what color every single vehicle will be that comes off the assembly line at the Kia plant in Georgia!

    Only the Dick Cheney assassination squad can stop Ed. and they won’t really kill him, just drive him underground for a few weeks until Ed. has built up his zombie army and wipes us all out. When Ed. decides to destroy the world, there will be nothing left – not even any light escaping the explosion. We are doomed! Doomed, I tells ya’!

  3. Ed always has the last word, which seems pretty unfair to me. If you found out this Ed guy was a creationist, you could have Charles Johnson ban him for you. He’s probably already written some Ajax code that will do that.

  4. I was wondering when you were gonna get on this War on Terizt ManMade Disaster Ed. business! After all, you’ve already been in power for 100 days!

    If blogs have Ed., only Ed. will have blogs. Or something like that.

  5. Burn the Communist Infidel who leeches off the posts of others to get by!

    Actually I could care less I didn’t even know we had a problem but if you ubrn him on the internet stake it would be cool just make sure to post it.

  6. I have a question: who is hacking in and putting my comments in moderation??? Is it this ed guy? I had a comment go into moderation just this morning. I wonder if it had something to do with the name of a specific Texas Congressman that I mentioned? Whatever…….as long as you find this ed guy!

  7. What did Terry_Jim say?? I’m no angel, so I won’t cry. I just have to know!

    Yes, Marko is a genius, and if he had a blog, I’d hit the tipjar. But he doesn’t, so I won’t. Unless he has one that he’s hiding, which I think would be just downright creepy.

  8. I’m more concerned about ussjimmycarter than this Ed guy.


    1.) At least you’re alive and apparently well! Hurray for that.

    2.) You were recently (select one): (a) out of jail (after being tasered while trying to douse Al Franken); (b) out of rehab for addictively smoking Great Mosquito horns; (c) pissed-off at Ed The Homo and didn’t want to comment any more; (d) sickened by politics and have taken up dill weed farming.

    3.) I heard your screenplay is about to make it big time in a new movie called “Rippin’ Heads and Stuffin’ Butts (or how Barney Frank got his come-uppins).” Congrats on that!

  9. Jimmy

    1) I’m alive and well HUNG…

    2) I’ve been in DEEP MORNING for a long period knowing that my retard state has probably elected a Super Retard to the United States Senate making me a Retard as a citizen of said state!

  10. ussjimmycarter,

    1) You WILL be HUNG after hanging here permanently.

    2) I figured you were pissed-off at politics. Me too. But Frank and Harvey and Basil and spacemonkey (where IS he?) need us here.

    3. Missed your comments. Now don’t do that again!

    What DE said.

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