Nuke Free World

When Obama pledged to give us a nuke free world, I was thinking that everyone was going to be skeptical, but I was wrong. Iran and North Korea have already put their support behind the idea and said, since they already don’t have nuclear weapons, all they need is for everyone else to disarm. And here I thought those guys were up to something.


  1. Hasn’t “The One” already launched the satellite that continually loops “We are the World” and those kindergartners singing about how he’s going to change the world? After all, Kim is just so ronrey and in need of liberal hugs.

  2. Hey! Sign me up for the free nukes plan. I have some people that I’d like to nuke. First plan is to settle an old score I have with Vietnam for their child sweat shop laws. (I hate child labor. They do such shotty work.)

  3. Well, as long as they promise not to develop nukes, that’s good enough for me. It’s the evil, imperialist United States that can’t be trusted. Terrorists and communist dictators ALWAYS stick to their end of the deal. Right?

  4. The US giving up our nukes, would be like enacting the gun control law and all law abiding citizens giving up their guns. Only the insane criminals and wacko nut cases and crooks will have the weapons. We will be annihilated!

  5. Since BHO said America will lead the way in disarming, maybe we should just give the ones we have to DPRK, Iran, Venezuela and various other third-world, crackpot dictators. It would sure save them a lot of time and effort that they could then direct at oppressing their populations. We’ll probably have to throw in some ICBM technology or cash handouts to sweeten the deal but we can get this done.

    This is change you can believe in. The USA will look like France (except we won’t have nukes). Yes we can! Yes we can! blah blah blah…

  6. I wonder how much the odumba group is paying to promote his books on this site. on the left side of my screen 4 of 5 books are written by the great liar! Although they are amount good company, there is a great science fiction book with them.


  7. LA Times left out the most relevant parts of O-bah-muhh’s speech,>>>>” I’m not naive.”>>>>(rolling on floor with laughter at this point)>>>> then later he says”…not in my lifetime.” Well Duhh!!,with O-bah-muhh shortening his life by: A) smoking his Kools B) being married to Michelle C) ignoring those voices of sanity that tell him the world cannot change; of course not in his lifetime. Then he goes back on the campaign trail and parrots “Yes We Can!!” My guess is the teleprompter has indeed become self-aware and is trying to kill off the humans by using the puppet president.

  8. While I don’t agree with using nukes on American cities, or getting rid of our nukes, so others could do so for us, I have to admit, I looked up the Cobalt bomb, and liked what I read. I also liked how I learn that you could build such salted bombs from other heavy metals, like gold-197, tantalum-181, and zinc-64. At least according to Wikipedia.

    For this reason, we need to confiscate all the world’s gold so they can not build such a weapon. Gold should only belong to the US. I think we should call this the IMAO Gold Standard. We could also confiscate tantalum, but I have no idea what that is, and zinc, but a zinc confiscation would be silly.

    Yep, all the Gold, and oil in case they can make salted bombs out of that. It is the only way the world can be safe.

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