One Last Word on Twitter

Know who is one of the people who follows me on Twitter.

Fred Thompson.

So know who is gay?



  1. Frank until I hear Fred say the word “Twitter” I won’t believe it. All I can say is “I’m rubber you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” Top that you twitter wordsmith.

  2. Thats just what Fred’s momentarily misguided PR firm says… they’ll be fired soon for using Fred’s name in vain.. I mean cmon, as another poster pointed out does anyone here really beleive Fred Thompson would intentionally have anything to do with anything named “twitter”? And on top of it all..frank has now issued a butt whipin warrant from Fred for even propgating this obvious falsehood. Lay low Frank, lay low…..maybe Fred will show mercy…..

  3. To Live Free or Die, there would be nothing media savvy in Jeri following Frank. You can follow anyone you want; it’s who you choose in turn to follow that says something. For example, an idiot like Miley Cyrus might have 10 thousand followers but she herself probably follows like 100. The Cracked writers have thousands of followers, and they themselves only follow a few personal friends or big comedy names. If Fred Thompson follows Frank, that’s a coup. It really, really is.

    Frank, I would show my boobs on the internet if Frank Thompson would follow me 🙂

  4. Oops: “You can follow anyone you want; it’s who you choose in turn to follow that says something.”

    Should say, “You can follow anyone you want; it’s who chooses in turn to follow YOU that says something.”

    Or, if you’re the famous one, reverse it.

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