Palin Legal Defense Fund

Beyond just the disgusting treatment Governor Sarah Palin has received, she’s also been hit with a lot of frivolous lawsuits like when someone tried to claim her strangling a moose with piano wire is “animal cruelty”. It’s called hunting where I come from. So now she’s got a legal defense fund if you want to help out. Any extra funds will go towards shooting hippies from a helicopter.


  1. It’s a total disgrace that a site like that is even needed, but I’m glad it does.

    Shame on every so-called feminist that does not allow a female to have beliefs and values contrary to leftist dogma.

    I’d love to see Sarah start fighting back with a couple of multi-mil slander suits of her own; maybe that would stop the attacks or at least slow them down.

  2. I’d love to see Sarah start fighting back with a couple of multi-mil slander suits of her own; maybe that would stop the attacks or at least slow them down.

    I’d love to see that too. I’m sure it won’t happen. She seems to take it all with a grain of salt and at the same time, expose the kooks for being the brain-dead haters they are. She handles her attacks in a way a whiny leftist never could.

  3. Man, she must really scare the piss out of the progressives, huh? The way they’re going after her out of fear of her impending administration isn’t even transparent. It must suck going through life feeling like such a sissy.

    Hey, aren’t these the same ilk of retards who complained bitterly about W’s preemptive strikes against Americawesome’s enemies?

  4. What, you’re not allowed to strangle a moose with a piano wire now? Next thing you know, they’ll be saying you can’t hunt with a flamethrower use a cat as a silencer for a shotgun. Liberals try to ruin everything.

  5. All she needs to say to appease the vile hippies, looney left wingers, and militant feminist lesbiens is that she was merely trying to give abortions for the sacred wildlife of Alaska. The moose dont use birth control, so they obviously need to have more abortions, and thats all she is tryign to do. So convineient, they dont even have to come to a clinic, Palin will fly right out to them in a helicopter! That baby moose just had to die so that it wasnt a burden to its mommy, because its mommy moose wants to live a consequence free life where nothing is her fault and she is a victim of everything around her. It doesnt matter that mommy moose has a mortgage in forclosure, she knows that the prophet Obama will save her and that abortions and welfare will preserve her lifestyle. PALIN ROCKS!!!! Seriously. Im gonna talk to my wife to throw some $$$ her way for that fund. I hate hippies and libs.

  6. Amazing. The communists didn’t even know who Sarah Palin was, and probably didn’t know where Alaska was before she was about to kick their messiah’s butt. If it were not for the idiot mccain, we may have a decent president now, instead of the disgrace currently occupying the White House.

    Now we have seen pictures of that one’s cow and of Sarah Palin. Which one would you rather see in a bikini?
    That digrace in the White House should pack his ugly half, harry reid, and that thing that disgraces the position of Speaker of the House and jump into the volcano that al gore invented in Alaska.

  7. OK, #’s 8 & 11 are killin’ me.

    Priceless, Fast Eddie. Since you couldn’t use a larger dog (unless you’re using a 50 cal DE), you may have answered the age-old question about whether chihuahua’s are good for anything.

  8. Why not just put all the money towards hunting hippies from a helicopter? After all, hippies turn out to be trial lawyers, journalists. university professors and Democrats. Get rid of all the hippies, and who’s left to file lawsuits?
    BTW…what’s wrong with using chihuahuas as silencers on a .50 cal? Sure, they won’t silence the shot much, but the results are quite satisfying.
    #10 Moist pants? Better stop fantasizing about Perez Hilton.

  9. “…shooting hippies from a helicopter?” Heck, I’m calling accounting tomorrow, have them forward all my paychecks directly to Sarah. I’ll live without a paycheck. I can feed myself. I’ll just strangle moose with piano wire.

  10. Genesis 17:15-16
    And God said to Abraham, “As for Sar’ai your wife, you shall not call her name Sar’ai, but Sarah shall be her name. I will bless her, and moreover I will give you a son by her; I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall come from her.”


  11. I think piano wire is great, but I’d rather see Sarah strangle a moose with her bikini. Preferably an impromptu strangling as she was just casually strolling around with nothing on but the bikini and she had a video camera with her.

    UM… I’ll be back in a bit. I need to ponder this.

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