Protect Your Guns Because They Can’t Protect Themselves

NRA has a free trial membership available now. Support for gun control is at an all time low, but the current administration is sneaky. With enough support, maybe we can finally kill the beast and secure guns for everyone throughout the country. Guns are our friends — much more so than cats — and its time we started treating them like that.


  1. Well, now that the Dems are back in full power, everyone involved with the administration should carry a gun at all times to fend off attackers. Apparently the Clinton era of “suicides” by people who know things is back in full force.

  2. If you are not an NRA member, I encourage you to join, contribute, and write your congress “people”.

    Raml, If your 21 is difficult to conceal, try a 36. Use the 21 to defend the 36.

    Any time a dem is defeated is a good day for this country. If your guns are not safe from the government, neither are you.
    Criminals love unarmed victims.
    An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a slave.

    NRA Life Member
    Second Amendmaent Task Force

  3. Dick Cheney has commissioned Haliburton( Weapons Division ) to produce ‘Smart Guns’ that are self-aware. They can sense fear, and target it. They can sense Commie-Libs, and target them. They can sense Jihadis, and target them. They can sense when being pryed from cold dead fingers, and immediately go into ‘Death Blossom Mode’. Can’t wait for mass production.

  4. Guns and ammo have gotten expensive and scarce after Obama was elected (no surprise there). Now that I’ve been laid-off for the second time in this recession I will be on a tight ammo budget. Luckily Obama has provided an extra $25 per week in Unemployment Compensation so that we can keep our families eating tasty varmint stew while we look for work! I truly appreciate that the Federal Government understands that ammo is critical in dealing with high food prices. Maybe we could just convert the food stamps program into a Guns and Ammo program. Lose your job? Here’s your gun and ammo. Now…where did that squirrel get to?

  5. Be careful, though. Those suckers are worse than the AARP in terms of how often they pester you to buy something. Somehow I had never realizied protecting my Second Amendments rights was quite so commercial…

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