
The government is taking over the auto industry and probably going to dictate they make smaller, less-safe cars. They also want to take over healthcare. So basically, one way or another, they’re out to kill us all, right?


  1. Yes, they want us dead. But we won’t go quietly! We’re looking at a real-life Mad Max scenario where idealistic rightwingers will bury their SUVs behind the barn for a decade or so. Then when all the rich pinkoids are in SmartCars and the poor pinkoids are on bikes, we’ll dig up our Suburbans and F350s and go run over all the health-care bureaucrats and liberal politicians.

  2. So basically, one way or another, they’re out to kill us all, right?

    After taxes. Then of course they will raise the death tax because all the productive workers are dead.

  3. Don’t be silly they don’t want to kill you! Oh wiat one question first though, are willing to give us every penny you have and lose half your civil rights to support our leader Obama? If the answer is no then we won’t kill you ( but we may tip off the local Communist Party to beat you to death with Das Capital) If your answer is yes then we welcome you and you will get all the Obama stuff you could ever hope for.

  4. That’s what socialism is really all about. If they are willing to kill little tiny cute infants why would anyone think big ugly, obese, adults would be any different.

    In truth they only want to kill those who do not think and act as they do……no diversity of thought or ideals needed. They do all the thinking for you.

    It’s someone’s plan but not the author of life, his plan involves choice. So it must be the author of lies…….yeah that’s it. See it really isn’t rocket science.

  5. The government is taking over the auto industry and is going to dictate they make smaller, less-safe cars. And to get us in these death traps they are going to forces us to scrap our existing cars and make us pay a crap load of cash to buy the new mandated
    Government Motors CrapBox of Death. All the while Obama will be riding around in his gas hog Crapallac Pimp A$$ limo with with his gas hog SUV motorcade. IF WE HAVE TO DRIVE CLOWN CARS OBAMA SHOULD HAVE TO RIDE AROUND IN ONE TOO!!!!!!

  6. “You Shall Drive The ClownCar !!!”….”Many would rather die than go there.”….”Then They Had Better Do It, And Decrease The Surplus Population!!!”….Hmmm, where have I heard that before ? All Eco-Greenie-Gore-bull-warming-ZPG-Pre/postpartumBabyKillers are filled with compassion for their fellow man….likeScrooge.

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