
Do you think it would be possible to start a class action lawsuit against Microsoft for mental duress?


  1. Anyone can start a lawsuit. And there is enough people out there that want to join your cause (Me included. For using Vista alone should be worth a cool million).

    HEY! John Edwards was a class action lawyer. It doesn’t look like he’s doing anything imporant now or ever. If you think about it, You did give him a lot of free publicity during the elections. He owes you. Besides I bet he could really use the money to pay back child support.

  2. Yes, Frank, but you’d have to start gathering evidence now that enough people at Microsoft are operating under mental duress. Start with Steve Balmer’s chair-throwing and ranting and raving and work down the employee list. And cite their products as additional proof that one would have to be under mental duress to produce something that bad.

  3. I’m with my Irish friend, Plenty O’Bailouts. I’m afraid I can’t help you with that lawsuit idea, since the Statute of Limitations has long since run out on the last time I had a Redmond product on any of my machines. But thanks for offering.

    For the record, Microsoft will finally produce a product that doesn’t suck when it starts manufacturing vacuum cleaners.

  4. Sure, Count me in.


    On second thought never mind.

  5. Windows is the modern Republican party. It started out clean and efficient, but then decided that what they really need to do, regardless of what people actually want, is poorly imitate their competitor, by abandoning their principles to instead take over things that should be done by the free market.

    They lose, of course, because most people don’t actually care about what their competitor does, they’re just won over by the competitor’s cool image and branding, which they will never be able to rival. If they would go back to their founding principles and make the competition about substance again, they would win in a landslide, but for some reason they’re too stupid to do that. Still, despite their continued conformity to their competitor, they do still hold liberty in a higher regard than the other guy, though it’s quickly going down the drain. Both of them need Reagans. Of course, it’ll be tougher for Windows, because the Republicans at least have a new Carter now.

    Linux is the Libertarian Party — it’s better, but no one uses it or recognizes it, or ever will, so it will never do anything on any kind of large scale or be at all useful, barring some impossible culture-shaking shift.

  6. Oh quit yer bitchin’ Everybody here knows Windows is unstable yet most keep on using it. Even the ones who know there ARE alternatives. At some point you really have to quit blaming Microsoft for being what they are and look in the mirror and start asking why ya act like an abused spouse who keeps coming back to get smacked up yet again.

    Me, I kicked Window’s butt to the curb back around 1994 and although everybody said I was daft and that ya can’t live without em I never went crawling back. If I ever get a serious hankering to play games I’ll buy a console.

  7. I don’t know what the problems everybody seems to have with Vista.

    I’ve been running the OS on a desktop for over a year and on a laptop for about 9 months and haven’t had a lick of problem. Ever.

    I am not a Microsoft homer by any means – and I was nervous when I picked up the desktop – but to tell you the truth, Vista does what I want it to do, when I want it to do it without causing my hair to be pulled out. (It’s falling out on its own accord, but for reasons not Vista related.)

  8. The only two things in Vista that I approve of over XP is the lack of 255 character file path limitations when transferring data that is several layers deep. Additionally, I adore that you can, in a mass copy or move, choose to ignore any files that may cause errors, and continue on with the transfer, rather than starting over as with every flavor of Windows before Vista.

    Other than those two things, give me XP SP3 any day.

  9. Sure, just switch to Linux. And when you’re wondering why it’s a bitch-and-a-half to install a simple program you downloaded, just remind yourself that an impossibility to install something is a safety FEATURE, not a design flaw. Oh, and you’re a retarded chimpanzee if you don’t realize that you can just reprogram the OS from scratch if you don’t like it.

  10. Stephen, if you are downloading and trying to install apps manually I think I have identified your problem. Linux isn’t Windows and if you try to use it that way you will experience pain.

    The correct way is to look in your distribution’s repository and just click on it. Or find what third party repo carries it and add it, then just click on it. This way you get updates for the new app and any dependencies right along with the rest of the system. That is the key idea, with Linux you have a seamless SYSTEM, not the OS, Microsoft’s apps and each 3rd party vendor’s apps all installing and updating through separate and often incompatible means.

    And these days if no repo carries it you are out of luck, same as you would be if no packaged version was available for Windows. There are still a couple of less popular apps where you can find a package outside of a repo but they are far apart. Same for random tarballs.

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