Quote of the Day

The mental image I will have in my head from now on, any time I hear the word “green“:

When it is broken down, the philosophy of environmentalism is the philosophy of life on earth without humanity at all. Green becomes the color of a forest that grows over unmarked graves.

Here’s a visual aid for the mental-image impaired:


  1. That’s a damnably succinct quote. I love how the eco-weenies have the hubris to think that they can do more to protect the Earth in their blink-of-an-eye life than the Earth can do in its 6 billion years and going strong life. They don’t want to save the planet, they want tosave the cute fuzzy animals. And themselves. The Mean-old Meat-eating, fluffy-bunny-shooting, Republican voting white folk can perish in anonymity though. That’d be cool with them.

  2. The global warming, or is it cooling hoax has been around since the 70’s. Its not about the environment or the earth, its about controll. They want to control you. Where and how you breathe, sleep, eat, play, and work. If they were truly about the environment, THEY would be driving the clown cars, THEYwould be installing windmill in front of their homes, THEY would be pushing for clean nuclear energy, THEY would be doing research on more efficient hydro electric power, THEYwould be pushing for us to drill for oil and gas here , where the regulations make do so cleaner and safer than anywhere on earth.
    THEYneed to sit down and shut up, or practice what they are shoveling.

  3. Pingback: QOTD | Careful Thought

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