Random Thought

America shouldn’t be the policeman of the world. America should be the renegade cop who doesn’t play by the rules of the world.


  1. CAPTAIN UNITED NATIONS: All right, America, button your lip, that’s an order.
    INSPECTOR AMERICA: Captain, if you want to jerk all these people off, you can, but don’t do it with me.
    UN: That’s it, America. You just got yourself a 60 day suspension.
    AMERICA: Make it 90!
    UN: 180! Give me your badge and gun!

  2. America should be a renegade cop—–This would make good international policy— Sarah Palin with a battery of 15 inch guns playing dirty harry, Running around the world blowing the s#!t out of anyone that pisses her off!

  3. Observer,” You’re either America or public enemy #1 America,” Some people might say We’re both.” Observer,”Who?’ America,” U.N. bozos with big brass nameplates on their desks, and asses the shape of the seat of their chairs.” Observer,”Why?” America,”It’s a question of methods. Everybody wants results, but nobody wants to do what they have to, to get it done.”

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