Random Thoughts

I wonder if liberals have defense courses where they learn how to properly chastise a violent attacker?

Know who is the greenest in government? The Marines. Do you know how big a carbon offset it is if you actually kill someone?

Is there anything as beautiful as a well-formated SQL statement? Maybe a sunset. Maybe.

I don’t care what logic, common sense, and thousands of years of history tell you, TORTURE NEVER WORKS!

I wonder if the reason liberals claim torture doesn’t work is because they consider locking a guy in a cell with a caterpillar torture?

No matter how much you torture a caterpillar, you’ll never get it to talk. It may pupate, though.

If we were able to mate a gorilla and an orangutan, we’d get an orange gorilla. It would be unstoppable.


  1. Let’s review…a party that spends each day attacking the United States, that opposes torturing people who attack the United States. I think I’m beginning to understand their motivation.

  2. In honor of Earth Day being yesterday, or sometime this past week or something (really I don’t pay attention to made up days) I propose we have the Marines set even more carbon offsets by having them kill all the Pirates, having them then kill a bunch of Jihadist hiding over the border in Pakistan, and then just to be sure we really help the environment, we nuke the moon. I believe the moon contains a lot of carbon, and nuking it may offset some of that carbon.

  3. These random thought might be better on Twitter. Have you ever thought of using Twitter? You could even set it up to cross-post to this site.

    These random thought might be better on Twitter. Have you ever thought of using Twitter? You could even set it up to cross-post to this site.

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