Random Thoughts

Every day you don’t be as awesome as you can be, you dishonor those who died.

If you shoot someone with a sniper rifle from 800 yards, it’s hard to argue self-defense. Even if he had a knife

Why would we need oversight on spending trillions of dollars? If we misplace billions, there are still tons left!

I worry about dropping my keys into a black hole, because then they’d be gone. Forever.

Due to economic conditions, I will now recite Dem. talking points at the rate of $1000/mo. Please pass on to any interested parties.

Tyrannosaurus Rexes could really help the economy by eating poor people.

While an opposable thumb is useful, an unopposable thumb sounds more intimidating.

Chuck Norris has an unopposable thumb.

If torturing a terrorist could save five squirrels, I’d torture the terrorist and then kill the squirrels myself.


  1. Ya Know Frank, if the T-Rexes eat too many poor people, that one will raise taxes on T-Rexes cause now they are rich.

    That one: If a ahhhhh errrr aaaa po person has ahhhhh errrr aaaa fitty sents then ahhhhh errrr aaaa 2 po peple are rich cause they have a ahhhhh errrr aaaa dahlar. ahhhhh errrr aaaa So if the T-Rex eats enough po ahhhhh errrr aaaa peple, then he should spread ahhhhh errrr aaaa some of that wealth around. ahhhhh errrr aaaa Not that I like ahhhhh errrr aaaa big gubmunt, I don’t, but ahhhhh errrr aaaa if yo rich, yo ought be taxed. Now wheres my basketba ahhhhh errrr aaaa ball.

  2. If torturing a terrorist could save five squirrels, I’d torture the terrorist and then kill the squirrels myself.

    Good save, man. Good save. Skwerls ARE terizts, and don’t you ever forget it. If the skwerls live, the terizts win. Skwerls belong in a crockpot, stewing with some lovely potatoes and onions and a sprig of unopposable thyme.

  3. The very last Random Thought is inspirational and words to live by.

    #6 – I worry about that every day. Which is why I fear Black Holes in my pockets over plain old holes any day. Freaking Parallel Aliens. When will DHS stop ignoring the problem and start tasking troops with guarding the Event Horizon?

  4. #10, Someone in one of the other posts mentioned shrillary in a nightie, my face dern near melted thinking of that.
    Be aware that that is out there, save yourselves, save your brain.

  5. If you shoot someone with a sniper rifle from 800 yards, it’s hard to argue self-defense. Even if he had a knife

    That’s why I always carry two sniper rifles – that way I always have a throw down for the body.

  6. “Tyrannosaurus Rexes could really help the economy by eating poor people.”

    Change “poor people” to “illegal aliens” and you’ve got a profound solution to a very damaging problem…that’s also fun viewing entertainment for the whole family.

  7. @16..planned properly, no need for a throw down….. from 800yrds…..they wouldnt find you. Golf courses make for great known distance ranges….

    @ Jimmy…….. how many gods in this verse?

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