Random Thoughts

Do you think the NEA becomes enraged every time a poor kid gets a good education?

You miss the series finale to Prison Break, and the only way to know what happened is to jab a terrorist with a hot poker. Would you do it? I’d do it, and I’ve never even watched Prison Break.

So do liberals watch 24 and think Jack Bauer is the bad guy?

If innocent lives could be saved by harming an evil man, only a sociopath would object.

Torturing a hippie into admitting torture works doesn’t actually prove torture works, but it doesn’t disprove it either.

Actually, have there been any scientific studies on torture? Like have we tried torturing monkeys? I have, but not in a lab setting.

If the liberals do arrest Cheney, that would make an awesome season of Prison Break.

With this swine flu, all the Muslims are going to be like, “We warned you, infidels. We warned you.”

I thought torture was compassionate conservatism. Usually we don’t let them live long enough for that to even be an issue.

They’re really getting worried about the swine flu. The CDC is locking up anyone who smells like bacon. Poor Rosie O’Donnell.


  1. Did liberals picket “The Dark Knight” because of the scene where Batman punched information out of the Joker?
    Have any Rev. Wright/Rosie O’Donnell/Charlie Sheen/Roseanne Barr types accused the US of creating the Mexican flu as part of an evil Booosh-era plot against minorities?
    Is it true that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human being’s?

  2. RE: Swine flu

    Don’t worry, Napolitano is monitoring the situation. She’s not going to, you know, check people coming from Mexico or anything like that, but she’s monitoring the situation.

    So do liberals watch 24 and think Jack Bauer is the bad guy?


  3. You know, Jimmy…


    The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.

  4. Pingback: Couple of Things About Terrorists « SCAAC

  5. “Don’t worry, Napolitano is monitoring the situation. She’s not going to, you know, check people coming from Mexico or anything like that…”

    That’s because it’s coming in from Canada, duh! Everybody knows that, even John McCain knows that. I knew there was something funny about that Canadian “Bacon”…

  6. You miss the series finale to Prison Break, and the only way to know what happened is to jab a terrorist with a hot poker. Would you do it? I’d do it, and I’ve never even watched Prison Break.

    Or you chould just go to hulu.

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