Random Thoughts

Why are New Yorkers claiming they were given no notice about the flyover? Are they really claiming no one told them the president is a jackass?

Now if only Obama would do something stupid so late night comedians could fake fun of him!

At what point should we stop using the term “president” and instead use the term “man-caused disaster”?

That Specter left and wasn’t thrown out shows that the Republican Party hasn’t moved far enough to the right!

I think a filibuster proof Democratic majority means we’re going to see another surge in gun sales.

First order of business for filibuster proof Democrats: Restrict use of tea in large gatherings.

Are we going to have to endure more “GOP needs to be more moderate” editorials? Can’t you be against trillions in spending and be moderate?

I’m getting tired of all this fretting over flu outbreaks. It’s the 21st century. We should be worried about nanotech swarms.

Can we throw Hagel out of the party too, or is it too late for that?

In the future, we need some sort of screening process before we let people into the Republican Party.

I think It would be really brave if Meghan McCain comes out as a lesbian. Especially if she isn’t one.


  1. “so late night comedians could fake fun of him!”
    I’m not sure if that is a typo or a Freudian slip.

    The Man Caused Disaster – has anyone told Hillary or Janet Nepolitano that that’s sexist?
    Also, it should be a bumper sticker.

  2. That specter left instead of being thrown out is testimony of the weakness of michael steel. If Steele wants to get back into good graces, he should insist specter take mccain with him.

  3. My ancestors survived the 1918 Spanish Flu (a Swine flu) and the black plagues of medieval Europe. And so did yours.

    If they kill all the pigs, what will they do with all the corn? Make sour mash?

    Has anyone taken a poll of New Yorkers after the fly-by photo op? Bet Obama’s popularity is in the East River.

  4. #5. Jimmy who are you kidding? The newyork sheeple will bend over forward for that one or any other commie. If he scared them, they feel they did something that offended a muslem somewhere. He will sell their daughter to the arabs, and they will beg forgiveness from their messiah for not having enough.

    I think a filibuster proof Democratic majority means we’re going to see another surge in gun sales.

    Another, I went to the gun store last week and had to settle for an AR without clips. The week before, I had to settle for a .50.
    Please let the first surge end so that there will be a better selection. Then we can get into the next surge.

  5. In the future, we need some sort of screening process before we let people into the Republican Party.
    Any way we can get some kind of screening process before letting someone run for president?

  6. Alternate names for the Swine Flu:

    Panic Flu
    Alien Flu
    Mexican Flu
    Mexico’s Revenge
    Tourism’s Nemesis
    Liberal Malaise Disease
    Culling Pathogenic Godsend
    Decrease-The-Surplus-Population Bioagent
    Just-What-We-Need-Right-Now Economic Depressant
    A Cure For ‘Yes We Can’ – Nature’s Little ‘No You Can’t’

  7. Arlen Blofeld S.P.E.C.T.R.E. , was anyone surprised to find out that he is a double-agent, providing Counter-intelligence to that Special Executive, O-bah-muhh. Terrorism on the rise, pirates promising Revenge for their foiled Extortion attempts, all clues that should have pointed to this evil mastermind.

  8. Jimmy, isn’t it obvious this so-called swine flu epidemic has been manufactured so they can kill all the pigs for two reasons?
    1) so our I Can’t Believe He’s Not Muslim™ president will no longer be offended by their mere presence, and
    2) to free up corn supplies for making more ethanol we don’t want.

  9. That Fred Thompson would ‘only’ punch a hippie shows that he needs to move farther to the right. A good litmus test/screening process for Republicans: do they vomit when exposed to islamo-eco-commie-libs.

  10. So is Frank on his meds when posting Random Thoughts and off them when the other bloggers personalities post…or is it the other way around? 😉

    I do like the RTs though, but I’m not sure what Tweeter is.

    (That was my favorite too #9)

  11. Mexicans die of the flu, and they dub it ‘swine’ flu. where is the outrage over this blatant RACISM. First order of business for filibuster-proof Congress, getting Moonbats on the Protected Species List.

  12. ussjc, you just made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Though if McCain and Napolitano were having an affair, wouldn’t that be a normal, heterosexual relationship? We have yet to see (nor would we want to *shudder*) that Napolitano is a woman. That’s not a woman, it’s a Man, man.

  13. “That Specter left and wasn’t thrown out shows that the Republican Party hasn’t moved far enough to the right!”

    If that’s not bad enough, what about the fact that McCain and Schwartzeneger are still here?

  14. Can’t call it a man caused anything, because there is not one in that party any longer. When Phil Gramm was kicked out in 1981 for voting to save America, the party became nothing but pre-adolescent chicks.

    By the way, why the heck are you accepting advertisements from totalitarian Dem-party subgroups like the Employee “free choice at the end of a gun barrel” Act promoters?

  15. Oh yes, I forgot: I’ve heard from more accurate sources than ABCNNBCBS that after the taxpayer-funded campaign commercial being shot on Air Force One at 1000 feet over NYC, AKA “publicity still photos” from inside an F-16 canopy (yeah right), they planned on using Marine One to pick up dandelion seeds one by one on the White House lawn.

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