Random Thoughts

Only way Obama will get me to watch one of his primetime speeches is if he’ll be explaining what the smoke monster really is.

I wonder if it would help combat internet trolls if we brought back dueling?

I always assumed the Democrats would become more serious if given power. Well, I’m an idiot.


  1. To read Drudge this morning, you’d think the world was shutting down over the “pandemic.” All this before we know (1) how infectious it is (it could be somewhat deadly if caught, but hard to catch); (2) what it’s mortality rate is (like under 5%?). If it is under 5%, then #1 should determine the response level. And it doesn’t sound like it’s all that infectious.

  2. Fact, 1/2 of all the people who have ever lived in history have died as a result of Malaria. But Democrats will use the Swine Flu to make America even more of a Communist Dictatorship under The One!

  3. As a conservative Christian and lifelong Republican who voted for Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, it concerns me that you are not giving Obama a chance to explain what the smoke monster really is. He has only been in office 100 days, most of which has been spent answering tough questions from the hostile media, all the while contending with treasonous lack of patriotism from extreme rightwingers like Colin Powell and John McCain.

    Please, for the good of the party of Chafee, Rockefeller, and Specter, let him do whatever he wants. After he has fixed the image of America in the eyes of Raul Castro, Mahmoud Ahmedinijad, Hugo Chavez and other peaceful, misunderstood men of the people, he can begin to explain to you the true origins of the smoke monster and cut the deficit in half by 2034.

  4. *I wonder if it would help combat internet trolls if we brought back dueling? * I’d rather release them in the Alaskan wild and have Sarah Palin hunt them from a helicopter.

    #3 *Is that one’s wife a tranny?* I’ve long suspected that “she” is in fact Louis Farhikan in drag.

  5. You don’t watch his speeches, Frank? Wow, you’re missing a lot. If I taught english in 5th grade, his “public speaking” performance would earn him a solid B-. Really, solid stuff for a young boy. Perhaps bonus points for creative use of “Uhh”.

    I especially like the way Obama looks to the podium and reads who he’s supposed to call on for the next question, then looks around the room to see where they are. Way to let The One pre-screen your questions, media. Well done.

  6. Today I got the shock of the week – a dark SUV parked at a meter, commercial plates from New Jersey, and a sign on the side of it read: “National Democratic Party”. There were empty juice bottles and crumpled papers piled up in the front seat and a tag at the back of the car about fishing. I have never seen national democratic vehicle in NYC before and I guess this is the kind of thing the trillions will be buying – useless vehicles carrying trashy mindless democratic drones. There will probably be hundreds of thousands and thousands of these vehicles for the democratic drones – while they try legislating that we drive like squashed bugs.

  7. #10 Eros,
    LOL. I can see the teleprompter in the oval office trying to explain anything to that one’s and he/she is not getting it: Out of frustration —

    ferretKHAN!! KHAN!! KHAN!!

  8. We could combat internet trolls by making them go back to living under bridges. First, we would have to evict the deranged winos/ homeless hobos, then we would have to evict the Democrat tollbooth attendents, so that the trolls could have their homes and jobs back.

  9. They outlawed dueling? Since when? Is it still considered a duel if you deliver a contact head shot? I think the world would be a much better place if they re-instated the duel. It could be sanctioned… the agreived party could petition the court to allow the deal, the other party could respond in the affirmative (and retain his / her honor) or decline and formally retract what ever action caused the dispute. If accepted terms of the duels could be established by contract and waivers and the duelists could appear on a television reality show. I figure once three or four shows were broadcast, the result would be a more polite society.

  10. The day he resigns……. I’ll watch that press conference. Until then this is a N’Obama zone or maybe a Bamafree zone, or mayhaps a NoBO zone. I don’t know, they’re all pretty catchy.

    Making fun of him and his incompetent lackeys is like shooting fish in a barrel. It’s hardly sporting but then again since it’s too expensive to go to the movies and cable is pricey too one must have some entertainment and you can only burn so much ammunition.

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