R.I.P. Perez Hilton

Crowder shoots a big fat fish in a barrel:

Heh. Rednecks are funny.


  1. Why is there a homosexual a judge at a Beauty Contest? An Ignorant one. That would be like having a hetrosexual judge at a Flaming Queen contest. An ignorant one.

    So it was a setup. An agenda. Which we can all guess the nature of.

    I personally didn’t used to care about homosexuals or what they do as long as it’s between adults. I do believe women are born in a man’s body and vice versa.. However, I have long ago gotten tired of having someone try to shove it down my throat all the time though. Figuratively speaking. Therefore, I don’t like homosexuals any more than I do any other group of people who march up and down the streets demanding people like and accept them. Go about your lives folks.

    How about this. How about loving and accepting good looking white guys like myself. We never get shit from society.

    Sort of like PETA. Didn’t this guy do a thing on PETA. yea, he did with a Tom Cruise segment in the middle. pretty funny. And true. PETA has gotten so obnoxious that even people like me, who view pretty much all animals as equivalent to 2-3 yr old children – can’t stand PETA.

    Same deal with the homosexuals.

    I saw a small portion of some reality show. The star called her/himself a four letter acronym that stood for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual. GLBT maybe it was. And of course the point of the show was aimed at getting all of America to accept GLBT’s into their little hearts.

    No, I don’t.

  2. Caution real thoughts here, (not a homophobe- I’m not AFRAID of them. I simply don’t agree with them)

    My take on all of this is that you are born one sex or another (except for hermaphrodites, but that really doesn’t happen often). What you do with that afterward is up to you. I have never figured out what being a woman “feels” like. Since I’ve never been anything else I just don’t know. I just feel like me.

    All of these gender specific “feelings” are societal anyway. I know women who like to work on cars, I know men who love to cook. This is not what makes you one gender or another. Perez Hilton is a dope, plain and simple, and it doesn’t matter what gender he bends. Intolerance, bigoted and common sense inhibited.

    Like inviting a veggan to a barbacue. Nothing good will ever come out of that.

  3. If you want to see what kind of low life bottom feeder this guy Hilton is (real name Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.) just go check him out on Wikipedia, it’s a very interesting read. All I can figure is one night Trump must have been rummaging around in the filthy, grimy, alley behind Trump Tower perhaps in hopes of finding an old wino to act as a judge in his beauty contest. Instead he discovered this snake lurking around the trash cans and dumpsters possibly there hoping to come across some incriminating photos of some fellow homo so he could “out” the poor bastard. Trump must have figured this guy could provide even more comedy relief than an old wino and offered him the job……..he was right.

  4. I laughed. Then I cried, but starting laughing again. Then I did both at the same time and a snot bubble came outa my nose. Now I’m depressed because I got no rights. All because they didn’t let that queer be a beauty queen. Rednecks rock.

  5. Steven….I hope you’re reading this.

    Five things:

    1.) You are absolutely brilliant. Keep up the good work. Maybe this whole “its funny cause its true” thing will actually bring some people back from the dark side. (Can I still say that?)
    2.) Where can I send donations to your campaign fund?
    3.) Any response from Lorne Michaels?
    4.) Do you have any idea how badly you need to dress up as Nanet Japolitano next week?
    5.) When are you coming to a comedy club within 100 miles of NYC….I’m so there!

  6. Given that Billy Ray Cyrus hails from the Ultimately clanish (with a C thank you very much) Appalachia Region, where men are actually raised to be men, I’d really love to see him lay Hilton out with a Haymaker to the jaw. But, given the BRC is also raised in the upstanding, Christian Appalachia region, he’s also a follower of Christ and willing to turn the other cheek. He has to choose the cheek carefully though, because methinks Hilton would love a little hillbilly in him.

  7. “Like inviting a veggan to a barbacue. Nothing good will ever come out of that.”

    And even if you roast him on the barbe, he just won’t be as tasty as the bird or buffalo charring up next to him. Too much arugula or something…

  8. cincinnati_bob is correct.

    This was a set-up from the get-to. There was never any reason for this C-list “celebrity(?)” to be a judge, and there was never any doubt what question he would ask or that whatever answer was given would be used to generate attention for their silly little pageant. She rocked the answer and the queen has come off looking even more asinine than he usually does.

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