Steven’s Epic Journey

Steven Crowder searches for good liberals:

As I always say, if we want to find a use for liberals, we should bury them deep within the earth so they’ll be oil for future generations.


  1. #3 Tyo- you are once again ingesting unhealthy doses of liberalism. Put down the lighter, and back away from the bong SLOWLY! Don’t worry about turning off CNN. The mental health authorities will secure EVERYTHING when they come to collect you!

  2. The only good liberal is a classic liberal.

    The name “liberal” is a misnomer though. The democrats openly reject liberal values, so they can’t be liberals. The word is derived from the Latin word for free, since democrats reject freedom, they aren’t real liberals. I *think* that the reason we call them liberals nowadays is back during the industrial revolution socialists co-opted the Anarchist movement (who could be called liberals). This is why libertarians are stuck with the retarded name “libertarian”, because dirty socialists stole the name liberal from us.

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