Straight From the Hippie’s Mouth

Obama can ride around in his 8 gallons-to-the-mile limo and blather on about how the whole world can just live off wind, solar, and unicorn power, but a Canadian hippie who actually TRIED to live without petroleum had this to say:

If there is any conclusion I have it is that sustainable and renewable energy sources cannot support our current lifestyle. What people think is a small amount of energy is actually quite the opposite. Think of it this way. A liter of gasoline will drive a car about 25 kilometers -now push your car that distance and see what one liter of gasoline is actually worth.

By the way, did you know that dead bug buildup on windmill blades can significantly reduce their efficiency? “Windmill blade bug scrubber” is just one of the millions of green jobs Obama plans to create.


  1. The hippie chick is kinda cute and it’s kinda nice that the Canadian hippie guy has started his conversion to normalization I am sorry that “Windmill blade bug scrubber” is just another one of those jobs that normal americans will not do.

  2. How do you say “Windmill blade bug scrubber” in spanish? I have a whole gang of lucadors that wait by the road down from where I work. We can get this going! And yes, I agree that hippie chick is pretty cute! I think that Canadian hippie guy is a plant from the right wing republican neo cons though….then again hippies are pretty lazy, so if he actually had to put forth effort to accomplish something, I bet they will decide that dinosaur juice is a-ok! Take that Al Gore…btw, I live in Nashville, TN, and Gore is a punk snake oil salesman…he is raking it in hand over fist from these greentards!!!! He dont turn his lights off for an hour, and he dont drive no stinking prius!!!!!!!

  3. Obama loves the “cash for clunkers” the program where they crush your current car and make you buy a new super fuel efficent car. But he gets to ride in his pimp limo that gets less than 8 miles per gallons. We get the clown car while the clown gets to live large. I think we should make him ride in a clown limo while we drive what we want. And I’m sure the new windmill scrubber job will pay just min. wage.

  4. Are you fed up with your current low paying job? Tired of not getting promoted and never getting that raise you so justly deserve? Then you should consider an exciting career as a Windmill Blade Bug Scrubber. Yes you too can land one of these high paying jobs as a graduate of The American Institute of Windmill Blade Bug Scrubbers. After just six rewarding months of study you’ll be a board certified graduate with a future so bright you’ll have to wear shades. Si habalar Espan-you-all, so don’t worry if you’re among the citizenship impaired, special government scholarships have been set aside just for you. Remember, Windmill Blade Bug Scrubbers are in high demand throughout the country so get in on the ground floor now.

  5. A liter of gasoline will drive a car about 25 kilometers

    That’s an EXTRAORDINARILY fuel-efficient car. One liter=0.264 gallons. One kilometer=0.622 miles. So 25 kilometers on one liter is equivalent to just under 59 miles per gallon. There may be a car that does that well (in real life, not in EPA tests), but I haven’t encountered it.

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