Suicide for All

Usually I’m dismissive of slippery-slope arguments — I find them to be intellectually lazy — but you allow euthanasia for the really sick and apparently it’s not long until someone says, “We should allow suicides for everybody!” Yes, the president of the leading suicide clinic thinks suicides are a “marvelous possibility” and should be allowed to anyone who wants them who is mentally sound — mentally sound and wanting to commit suicide.

I’m just glad there is an ocean between us and Europe. We should fill it with sea monsters (like Predator X) to be on the safe side, though.


  1. If a man wants to kill himself, it should be between him and his God, or Allah, or The Flying Spaghetti Monster (Praise His Noodly Appendage). It should not be between a man and the government. I don’t see how this is a liberal vs. conservative thing. It is more of a freedom to chose life or death vs. government making that decision for us.

    [Then go to your garage and hit yourself in the head with a hammer; no one can stop you. We don’t need companies that makes money off of people killing themselves. -Ed.]

  2. Ed.,
    Personally, I think it would be better for a person to spend money on a planned suicide, which would reduce the amount of money the government could steal from his estate.

    [? -Ed.]

  3. Ed.,
    That was a response to your little edit to post #4, in which you stated that you think companies should not make a profit off of suicide. My response was that I personally think that it would be better if a person spends a lot of money on a planned suicide carried through by a company, so the government wouldn’t be able to steal his money through estate taxes. Especially if the person goes to Switzerland, where the U.S. government would not be able to tax the procedure, thus denying the government money to steal.

    [You’re retarded. -Ed.]

  4. ‘For every 50 suicide attempts we have one suicide and the others are failing, with huge costs for the National Health Service,’ he said.

    ‘In many many cases they are terribly hurt afterwards, sometimes you have to put them in institutions for 50 years, very costly.’

    Here is why we don’t need nationalized health care. “excuse me Mr. Jones but would you off yourself because you are just too expensive for us to care for”

    [Yes, when I hear about all the suicide attempts, the first thing I think is “We need more efficient suicides.” What about the cry for help suicides? Can they get a discount half-suicide package? -Ed.]

  5. #7 Ed.,

    Why am I retarded? Is it because I want to spend as much money as possible before I die, denying the government the chance to take my money?

    [“I don’t want the government to get all my money. They bad. I know! Me give all my money to suicide clinic! Me smirt!” If they have a good test for who is of sound mind, I’m afraid your suicide will be rejected. -Ed.]

  6. Actually, I agree with Frank and was being flippant earlier. We’ll all be gone soon enough. Why rush? If you’re afraid of not being able to endure pain, just look at it this way: you’re feeling LIFE. Life with pain is better than death with no pain. Plus, these days, most pain is controllable with drugs.

    Besides, if you’re bent on offing yourself, put your affairs in order, just STFU and go do it. Oh, and don’t leave a mess to clean up.

  7. Dang, another issue that I am torn over. While I know suicide is a sin and morally and legally reprehensible…
    1. Most people depressed enough and cowardly enough for suicide are usually leftist scum. So why not make it count by having a business make a profit on it.
    2. Most leftist scum probably deserve to be dead and are probably going to hell anyway, so why bother God with such ratturds, and make a profit off of them at the same time.
    3. For every leftist scum that offs himself at a profit for a businessman, it is one less feces for brains that would vote for something like that one that is in the White House now.
    4. Some of them make really neat squeaks in the process, and we can make a profit out of losing leftist scum.

  8. #11 Ed.,

    Stupid ideas like not wanting to give the government money? Stupid ideas like wanting to be able to choose when I die? I’m not eloquent, so my posts probably didn’t sound right, but I think my ideas are not stupid at all. This probably wouldn’t be an issue if the government didn’t have estate taxes or restrict people’s abilities to kill themselves quickly and painlessly under the supervision of a doctor.

    [What’s so mind-numbingly stupid about you is that you don’t want the government to have your money and the only option you seem capable of coming up with is to give all your money to a suicide clinic. Most people don’t want to give their money to the government because they want to spend it on other things. You seem to not want to give the government money out of some odd psychological tic that you don’t quite understand. -Ed.]

  9. Hmm, perhaps I should clarify something. I enjoy living, but I don’t want people other than God and myself to decide when I die. I don’t want people to think that I am suicidal, because I’m not. I enjoy posting comments here.

    [Good. One of the reasons IMAO is strongly against suicide is that it reduces readership. That’s pure capitalism right there. -Ed.]

  10. #13 Ed.,

    I do not want to give the government my money simply because they cannot spend it properly. Instead of only doing what the constitution allows them to do, politicians do what they want in order to increase the power of the government. In order to do so, they have to raise taxes and take money in inappropriate manners, like death taxes. Look at all the bailouts, how will the government pay for them? By raising taxes.

    Now certainly I wouldn’t give all my money to a corporation. And naturally I wouldn’t spend thousands of dollars for a doctor to kill me. I would rather give my money to charities or spend my money on physical property that I could give to my offspring or other people in my will. I was simply trying to state that I would rather give my money to a corporation because they will reinvest it, as opposed to the government which would simply hemorrhage it away. If we didn’t have death taxes at all, then my posts would be completely irrelevant.

  11. Frank J,

    For once, I agree with the RINO Republican philosophy. As they said with Obama, let’s give it a chance and see how it works out. And, what better place to try it out than Washington, DC.

  12. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot-Interrogatory? And for the record, what kind of name is Ludwig Minelli?

    Whenever some fool endorses suicide, or says “There’s too many people on Earth! Mother Gaia can’t support so many people!” or “England needs to reduce its population by fifty percent to make us sustainable!” there’s only one right response:

    “Sure thing, pal; after you, Alfonse.” Or, in this case, “Lud.”

    Of course, Lud isn’t in this just for the satisfaction: “Mr Minelli had taken large donations beyond the standard £7,000 fee from those he helps to die, including one of £120,000.” For a human-rights issue, it seems to pay well.

  13. Do not despair of life. You have no doubt force enough to overcome your
    obstacles. Think of the fox prowling through wood and field in a winter night
    for something to satisfy his hunger. Notwithstanding cold and hounds and
    traps, his race survives. I do not believe any of them ever committed suicide.
    — Henry David Thoreau

  14. I see what Michael R. is saying, but the flaw in his thinking is that just because the suicide pays his money to the clinic rather than the govt, doesnt mean the govt won’t get take the suicide’s money anyway: they’ll just get take the money from the clinic in the form of business taxes, instead of from the suicide in the form of estate taxes.

    That way, the tax-and-spenders in DC get their brownie points by making the mean ol’ private capitalist business pay up, instead of giving the appearance of going after the grieving family.

    One way or the other, Uncle Sam always gets takes his, and MORE than his fair share. Now how can we really stop Uncle Sam’s raid on our wallets, without going to Leavenworth?

    They say you wanna revolution, yeah, you know it…

  15. Europe has failed to learn the lessons of Rome. The whole continent is morally bankrupt. The French are lazy and think they are owed a living, the Dutch have too late realized that if you tolerate nearly everything, it isnt long until everything is tolerated and hospitals over there have been killing babies for several years now that are deemed unfit for life without the parents permission. The Brits with the approval of the courts just unplugged a kid over the objections of the parents. You are correct about the slippery slope, once you accept that human life is no more special than any other; why not allow unrestricted suicide? we put dogs down for no particular reason, why not humans?

  16. Sooner or later, the liberal answer to every problem is, “Kill it!”
    “I’m sick!”

    “I’m poor!”

    “I’m depressed!”

    “I disagree with you!”

    “I want a second opinion!”

    “I have poor impulse control, no marketable skills, too many children, no education, I can’t read, and I always believe the latest thing I’m told, even if it completely contradicts whatever I was told yesterday!”

    “You’re Perfect! Put your X here, we’ll make you a block captain!”

    Well, Almost every problem.

  17. Regarding #29 response to #28, this Swiss suicide ‘clinic’ should franchise right away in India. Instead of the Golden Arches, they could have the Golden Funeral Pyres.

  18. It is always interesting for me ( who has a strong moral compass-not perfect, just strong- as in the guilt meter is always running) when I here things from the “humanists” across the pond. When one believes there is nothing after this life, that we are all simply inconvenient mistakes perpetrated by chaos, that there is no real truth and no moral compass or imperative, then it really doesn’t matter what we do. Live, die, cheat, steal, murder, it’s all the same for nothing matters.

    One would think that those who believe this is the only existence we get would want it to be as pleasant as possible. That living as long as we can would be the focus but apparently dying is the best course of action for those of “sound mind”.

    Isn’t the idea of suicide that one is not of sound mind, that’s why they’d do such a stupid, selfish, unalterable thing. After all there are no do overs, especially if this is your only option. Right?

  19. Humanism/Materialism always leads to despair.
    We want to be gods, but we’re not any good at it,
    so sooner or later we either surrender or whip up our own personal Ragnarok.
    Some go quietly, others go postal.

    – Job 10:18-22
    “Why didst thou bring me forth from the womb?
    Would that I had died before any eye had seen me,
    and were as though I had not been,
    carried from the womb to the grave.
    Are not the days of my life few?
    Let me alone, that I may find a little comfort
    before I go whence I shall not return,
    to the land of gloom and deep darkness,
    the land of gloom and chaos,
    where light is as darkness.”

    Speaking from personal experience, surrender is better.

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